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Character Creation > Join a Band!

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message 1: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Aug 31, 2024 02:15PM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Join a band here! I'll update this post with current bands.

The Phantoms:
Singer 1 - Aspen Grey
Singer 2 - Raelynn
Guitarist 1 - Brooklyn (redacted)
Guitarist 2 - Jack Steele
Bassist - Wip; Angel Dust
Drummer - Jericho Balachandra
Keyboardist - Blake Swan
Manager - Arin

Wild Daring Lions:
Drummer /Vocalist - Rio Montero
Back-up Vocals -
Pianist -
Guitarist 1 - Warren
Guitarist 2 -
Bassist - Poe LeBlanc

Asta and the Terriers:
Singer - Asta
Bassist -
Guitarist 1 - Celeste
Guitarist 2 - Jumix
Drummer -

The Star Shooters:
Vocalist - (Nani)
Guitarist 1 -
Guitarist 2 -
Bass - WIP, Ash
Drums -

message 2: by ♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS), HI! (new)

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) | 749 comments Mod
we can have a back up-back up

message 3: by ♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS), HI! (new)

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) | 749 comments Mod
brilliant isn't it?

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)


message 5: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
Hmm I'mma make a new band, Rio is the drummer<3

message 6: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Got a name yet or is it a wip?

message 7: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
It's name is ermmm Wild Daring Lions

message 8: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
any other positions you want up to be filled?

message 9: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
Well there's pianist, two guitarists and a back-up vocalist, since I'll probs make my boi the main vocalist.

message 10: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod

message 11: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
Thankss >:3

message 12: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
also if you want a bassist I've got Poe

message 13: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
Sure! Throw 'em in there!

message 14: by Hio (new)

Hio Asta's second stop - after getting her dorm - was to head right to the "Battle of the Bands" registration.
She filled out a form, writing:

BAND NAME: Asta and the Terriers
Singer: Asta
Bassist: OPEN
Guitarist 1: OPEN
Guitarist 2: OPEN
Drummer: OPEN

message 15: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
alrighty, I'll add that up!

message 16: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod

・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・Sal Yagi・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・ | 18 comments Can I snatch up the Bassist for the phantoms for my WIP character?

message 18: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
yeah, sure!

message 19: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) | 32 comments How come no band requires a pianist?

message 20: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
The position might be open, just not listed. Overall, it's up to the person in charge of the band.

message 21: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
I got a pianist spot

message 22: by Alex (new)

Alex Imig | 323 comments When are the Phantoms going to have their first band practice?

message 23: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
I have no idea, but probably soon.

message 24: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) | 32 comments Aryanna can b the pianist

message 25: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
That's fine

message 26: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments Can I claim the bassist for the Star Shooters?

message 27: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
I'll have to ask the creator of the band tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience

message 28: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments That's alright!

message 30: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments hey so since nova was removed, does that leave the star shooter lead singer open?

message 31: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Yeah, it does, would you like the position?

message 32: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments Uh, yes maybe, or could I put it on hold as I'm discussing a collab with someone for that position?
And would it also be possible to rename the band?

message 33: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Of course! You can also make an entirely new band, if you like.

message 34: by ash (last edited Aug 27, 2024 12:43PM) (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments hey jax, could you give the vocalist role to nani?

message 35: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Kk, just a second…

message 36: by Electricpop (last edited Aug 30, 2024 03:37PM) (new)

Electricpop | 7 comments Could I get Celeste as the Guitarist for the Asta and the terries

message 37: by Electricpop (new)

Electricpop | 7 comments Can Arin be the manager of The phantoms and Raelynn be the second singer for the phantoms too

message 38: by Makayla (new)

Makayla O | 36 comments When my character gets approved, can they play the drums for Asta and The Terriers?

Bunny ["talk to the hand"] | 71 comments If my character get's approved, can I get him in as the guitarist (any number is fine) for Asta and The Terriers?

message 40: by ⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆, Seniors Student Body President! (last edited Aug 31, 2024 09:09AM) (new)

⋆⭒˚.⋆ Kaden ⋆⭒˚.⋆ (kadertater) | 278 comments Mod
Whenever you get the chance can you add Warren as the guitarist 1 of Wild Daring Lions?

message 41: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
I just need names and it’ll all be updated!

Bunny ["talk to the hand"] | 71 comments Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows wrote: "I just need names and it’ll all be updated!"


message 43: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Bunny wrote: "Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows wrote: "I just need names and it’ll all be updated!"


Character names, sorry

Bunny ["talk to the hand"] | 71 comments Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows wrote: "Bunny wrote: "Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows wrote: "I just need names and it’ll all be updated!"


Character names, sorry"

It was just Jumix

message 45: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Kk, just a second…

Bunny ["talk to the hand"] | 71 comments Thank you

message 47: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod

message 48: by ash (new)

ash (blitzorodeo) | 33 comments omg jax i hate to bother you again, can we rename star shooters to atlas?

message 49: by Electricpop (last edited 12 hours, 6 min ago) (new)

Electricpop | 7 comments I'm sorry to do this to you but I would love to say my three characters were deleted by me to make a new and improved oc Named Quin! Who I kinda want him to be the second singer and Guitarist of phantoms as well as a WIP new manager Named Kyra Goldheart..thx!

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