꧁•⊹٭𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚞𝚜٭⊹•꧂ discussion

Stargaze City > Downtown

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message 1: by Olivia (new)

Olivia | 49 comments Mod

message 2: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
A bustling downtown area unfolds before your character. It's loud and bright and beautiful, with tall buildings, busy shops and so many people. It makes the small city seem quite big.

message 3: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 05:43AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Aspen, walking down the busy street, had a black backpack stained with spray paint slung over his shoulder. A can of it peeked out, bright red.

message 4: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Whoa!" A few cans of spray paint fell out of his bag as he stumbled, windmilling. He quickly scooped them back into the bag, slightly embarrassed.

message 5: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 05:52AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Nah, I'm fine. You?" He brushed himself up, spray cans clattering.

message 6: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 05:53AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"OH, nothing," Aspen was obviously hiding what he was actually doing, meaning one thing: graffiti.

message 7: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Look, it's all gonna be at home," Obvious lie. He didn't have parents, he lived in the dorms.

message 8: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Aspen," He gave a firm handshake, careful not to stab her with a spiked bracelet.

message 9: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Good to meetcha too," His voice seemed gruff, but maybe it was just gravelly.

message 10: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He shoved a hand in his pocket, thinking of something to say. "So... what're you doin' in town?"

message 11: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He hissed a bit at this. "Ah..."

message 12: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Not a fan of romance novels. They're so... gooey, and unrealistic. If someone kept getting unsigned notes, I doubt they'd fall in love. Actually, they'd probably call the police,"

message 13: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 06:13AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"I would. Reality has some good stories, like a man trying to barbecue his neighbors, whom he thought were child molesters," His eyes were wild, and he was gesturing while he spoke.

message 14: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 06:14AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Aspen shrugged, "Your loss."

message 15: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"To some, those with good taste, at least,"

message 16: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 06:18AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"You heard it," (He's not trying to be rude, I swear, he's just blunt af)

message 17: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"What'd I do?" It was a genuine question, addressed to nobody.

message 18: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 06:27AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He slipped into a nearby alleyway, taking out the cans of spray paint and starting a piece. She'd be a fun subject...

message 19: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (last edited Nov 21, 2023 06:29AM) (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He squeaked, almost feminine, grabbing his bag and bolting. The piece was finished, a perfect portrait of her.

message 20: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
Aspen was leaning against the wall at the end of the alleyway, panting.

message 21: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He saw that London had looked at the piece and, louder than intended, said (or more shouted,) "Oh, shit," and ran towards the dorms.

message 22: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
(he's in the newly made common rooms now, if you wanna follow)

message 23: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
the principal shifted the bag on his shoulder, taking a deep, relaxed breath.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She smiled, following.

message 25: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Well... nice day, huh?"

message 27: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Well, do you see anything you want to do?"

message 28: by ☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) (last edited Feb 23, 2024 11:07AM) (new)

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments Hmm, I don’t know..
She looked around.

message 29: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Take your time."

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments What about.. ice cream!

message 31: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He flipped through to make sure he had enough on hand before pushing open the door to an ice cream parlor.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She smiled, following.


message 33: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He let out a soft laugh.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She smiled.

message 35: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Alright, what flavor do you want?"

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments Strawberry!

message 37: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Okay then,"
He ended up getting two strawberry cones, a soft smile curling at the corners of his lips.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She jumped up and down, smiling.

Oh- sorry if I’m- too excited, I never got to experience this.

message 39: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Hey, don't worry about it, just enjoy the day,"
He handed over one of the cones.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She took it carefully, and starting eating.


message 41: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
He smiled again.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She smiled.

message 43: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Is it good?"

message 45: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Good, I'm glad,"
He took a lick of his own.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments She smiled.

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments Dad, your the best.

message 48: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Aww, thanks..."

☆ Nozomi☆ (Shadow[Oc] Ver) ☆Yagi ☆  | 904 comments No problem!

message 50: by Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows, I'm fucking watching you (new)

Blue_Jazberry ~ I know things nobody knows | 1354 comments Mod
"Well, is there something else you'd like to do after this?"

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꧁•⊹٭𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚞𝚜٭⊹•꧂

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