Crime, Mysteries & Thrillers discussion

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Archive - Noms & Newsletters > GENERAL: Nominations - February 2024

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message 1: by Gem , Moderator & Admin (last edited Jan 02, 2024 02:02PM) (new)

Gem  | 1602 comments Mod
Hello fellow Crime, Mystery & Thriller Readers,

Nominations for our February 2024 General Group Read are now open. To ensure your nomination will be included in our poll, please make sure it conforms to the following guidelines:

✔️ You may nominate only one (1) book.

✔️By entering a nomination you are agreeing to act as our Discussion Leader for the month-long Group Read should your nomination win.

Don't worry it is neither difficult nor time-consuming. The moderators are here to help in the event that you need assistance. Please refrain from nominating a book if you are not prepared to lead the discussion.

✔️ Your nomination can be any Crime, Mystery, or Thriller.

✔️Your nomination should not have been read by the group in the past 24 months.

✔️A book is only eligible if it is available in both paperback and digital formats.

Please understand we are trying to give all our members the opportunity to participate in our book discussions. We don't want to exclude a significant portion of our members because they do not have access to the selection.

✔️If the book is in a series, you may only nominate the first book in a series.

The 2nd and subsequent books in a series may be nominated only after the group has read all the prior books in that series.

✔️Post your nomination as a comment below.

DO NOT notify the moderators of your selection by way of a private message, if you do you run the risk of your nomination being excluded from the poll.

✔️To ensure your nomination is included in our poll correctly, do include the name of both the book and the author. You would be surprised at how many books have the same title. You are welcome to use the "add book/author" tool, which is located above the right upper corner of the comment window when making your nomination.

📌AUTHORS/PUBLISHERS please note: We DO NOT accept nominations of your own work. You are welcome to participate in the nomination (of another author's work), polling, and book discussions in general.

If you have any questions, you can leave a comment in this discussion or message Gem directly.

The nomination period will close on Sunday, December 31 at approximately 7:30 pm MST (UTC/GMT -7).

Polling will begin on Wednesday, January 3.

Thank you and happy reading!

Running List/verified

The Appeal (The Appeal #1) by Janice Hallett (Rosalyn)
Blood on the Breakwater by Jean Paetkau (Karin)
The Killing Floor (Jack Reacher #1) by Lee Child (Gem)
Good Girl, Bad Girl (Cyrus Haven #1) by Michael Robotham (Icewineanne)
The Drowned Girls by Loreth Anne White (Terry)

message 2: by Rosalyn (new)

Rosalyn | 24 comments i nominate The Appeal (The Appeal, #1) by Janice Hallett

message 3: by Karin (new)

Karin I nominate Blood on the Breakwater by Jean Paetkau by Jean Paetkau

message 4: by Gem , Moderator & Admin (new)

Gem  | 1602 comments Mod
I'm going to nominate The Killing Floor by Lee Child

message 6: by Terry (last edited Dec 31, 2023 12:00PM) (new)

Terry | 85 comments The Drowned Girls by Loreth Anne White

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