NetGalley Addicts Support Group discussion

Need Help? [Ask the Group] > Have you deleted your account?

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message 1: by BiblioPeeks (new)

BiblioPeeks | 15 comments Hi all, has anyone ever deleted their NetGalley account and opened a new one? My account was inactive since 2014 and I just started using it again but it’s showing old inactive info so I’m considered deleting it and starting over.

Thank you SundayAtDusk for the thread idea!

message 2: by SundayAtDusk (last edited Dec 16, 2023 07:08AM) (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments Katt wrote: "Hi all, has anyone ever deleted their NetGalley account and opened a new one? My account was inactive since 2014 and I just started using it again but it’s showing old inactive info so I’m consider..."

You are welcome. :) As I said in the other thread, I closed my first account when I decided to read and review no more ARCs; but opened a new account when I changed my mind. I had no problem with NetGalley doing so.

P.S. I used the same user name for my new account.

message 3: by SundayAtDusk (last edited Mar 08, 2024 01:54PM) (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments I deleted my account once again today. There were like 10 books on my shelf that had been there for months. Some I had started reading and lost interest, others I no longer found the topics interesting enough to even start reading. I felt that made me a bad NetGalley member, and deleting my account was the most honest thing to do.

Later tonight I will delete the unread docs from my Kindle. While part of me feels guilty for not reading and reviewing the books, the other part of me feels relieved that I no longer have to feel guilty when reading a book that is not an ARC on my NetGalley shelf. My NetGalley shelf is gone.

message 4: by Alison (new)

Alison (bananatricky) | 35 comments Sorry to hear you felt that was the only way. On occasion I bite the bullet and DNF a lot of books. If I've tried and just can't get into them then I'll read a page or two and if it doesn't grab me I'll DNF and leave a 1 star review. I'm a harsh judge (even 4 stars is rare) but I am always honest about why I DNF - my reasons might be something someone else likes. Hope this makes you enjoy reading again

message 5: by SundayAtDusk (last edited Mar 15, 2024 01:10PM) (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments To keep your percentage up you have to write a review, but I usually did not for books I did not finish, unless I wanted to "warn" readers about something. There is no sin in writing a review for an unfinished book, however, and no sin in being a harsh judge. I'm more partial to such reviewers than those who worry about being too harsh.

Deleting my NetGalley Shelf actually has emotionally freed me in some ways. I'm reading much more this week than I have in at least a year, and feel more lighthearted when writing reviews. (Maybe because I no longer have an obligation to write any.) My problem now is deciding which unread books on my Kindle to read. I think I have at least 100, mostly from BookBub.

message 6: by SundayAtDusk (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments I rejoined today. :) There is a book I really wanted an ARC copy of that was released this week. I was surprised it had not been archived at NetGalley, but it wasn't. I will greatly limit this time the number of books I request, so I don't end up feeling guilty about losing interest in so many books, and providing DNF feedback.

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