2024 Reading Challenge discussion

2024 Personal Challenge: 51-75 > Anne's 60 book challenge in 2024

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message 1: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments Once again I'm going for 60 books. No set schedule, I just read whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it. Five books a month is doable.

message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 1) 1/4/2024 Turning the Storm by Lee Jackson The third book in the After Dunkirk series. The year in 1941 and we have a british family who is involved in many different parts of the war. I've gotten to know the characters now and find the books interesting. Lesson: Just do your part.

message 3: by Anne (last edited Jun 30, 2024 07:05PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 2) 1/11/2024 A.D. 33 by Ted Dekker Story of desert bedu who meet Yeshua and learns from him and witnesses his crucifixion. They learn the way, but they forget the way. Isn't that true of all of us. Lesson: We need to remind ourselves constantly. We tend to forget.

message 4: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 3) 1/13/2024 The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism by Paul Kengor A re-read for me. I am trying to learn more about communism so I can better fight it. And teach it to young people who think socialism is good. Lesson: 100 million dead just in the 20th century from communism.

message 5: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 4) 1/20/24 The Giant Awakens by Lee Jackson Again the Littlefield family takes us through all the hotspots of World War II. There's a lot about intelligence and manipulation here - mostly associated with Paul. We have commando raids. We have arguments between the Allies. We have people trusting Stalin.... Lesson: Things are never as they seem.

message 6: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 5) 1/29/2024 Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs Of Legendary Ace Robin Olds by Robin Olds Listened to this on Audio. It was personal to me since my Dad was a fighter pilot during these same years. Loved it when he told Johnson, end the war by winning it! Lesson: Military people need to be people who do the right thing.

message 7: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 6) 2/8/2024 The Company by Robert Littell This book has been on my shelf forever. I really liked it but it was hard to read at parts. Starts post war Berlin. Budapest. Cuba. Afghanistan. The 1991 attempted coup in the USSR. Spies, double agents, cutouts, lies, deception, death, torture. Lesson: I'm so glad I didn't get the job at the CIA when I was 22.

message 8: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 7) 2/9/2024 The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties by Jonathan Leaf Listened to this on audio. Lots of interesting information and since I've been reading about the Cold War and Vietnam in my most recent books it was good background information. The author claims that the sixties was mostly conservative. Maybe, but that is not the way history has been written. Lesson: Don't trust the historians.

message 9: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 8) 2/12/2024 "Here Are Your Gods": Faithful Discipleship in Idolatrous Times by Christopher J.H. Wright Loved this book when he was talking about the bible and what Christians are called to do. But his writings about politics turned me off. He's a believer in the main stream media narratives. So maybe 3 stars. Lesson: Christian writers need to talk about Christianity and what Christians can do not about how stupid they are when they vote for the wrong person. It's a turn off.

message 10: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 9) 2/12/2024 The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin A dual point of view WW2 novel. A woman of the resistance in Lyon whose husband is missing and a young American woman working in the embassy library in Lisbon. The first part of the story was slow and a bit repetitive, but the ending was good and satisfying the way everything came together. Lesson: With enough persistence you can make things happen.

message 11: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 10) 2/15/2024 The Second Mrs. Astor by Shana Abe Interesting novel about the young Madeline Force and her romance and marriage to the older John Jacob Astor. And of course the shipwreck of the Titanic. Lesson: Don't put your faith in technology.

message 12: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 11) 2/17/2024 Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel A re-read for me. The first time I read it I was confused with all the time jumping and the appearance of characters in random situations. It was a lot better this time. There were several characters that led us through the stories. It was satisfying how it came together at the end. Lesson: Art transcends the collapse of civilization.

message 13: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 12) 2/25/24 Pray First: The Transformative Power of a Life Built on Prayer by Chris Hodges Since I've been trying to pray more consistently I thought this book would help. It did. Lesson: Pray using models like the Lords prayer to give your prayer structure.

message 14: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 13) 2/27/24 Helen of Troy by Margaret George Excellent, educational and entertaining. Written in the voice of Helen who is cursed by her beauty and by the gods to cause all kinds of disasters. Paris too. Lesson: The worldview in this book is that humans are toys of the gods who use them/us for entertainment.

message 15: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 14) 3/2/24 Why We're Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, and Love by Trent Horn I'm trying to read more books about the faith. I recently realized that although I am a Catholic I really don't know alot about it. This one has a lot of good information and good explanations for what and why we believe. Lesson: We are Catholic so that we can go home and be with God.

message 16: by Anne (last edited Mar 25, 2024 05:20PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 15) 3/4/24 CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys: How and Why Us Agents Conspired to Assassinate JFK and RFK by George Crile Lesson: The CIA is not a force for good.

16) 3/7/24 Riding the Tempest by Lee Jackson Lesson: Northern Africa, Italy, Norway, preparing for the invasion. Still have two more books in this series to go. Lesson: Keep fighting.

17) 3/17/24 The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn Novel about a Russian female sniper from WWII. Parts good, parts ridiculous. Lesson: Don't miss.

message 17: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 18) 3/25/24 The Nature of Fragile Things by Susan Meissner Interesting historical novel about a young Irish woman and her interesting life that takes her to San Francisco for the 1906 earthquake. Satisfying read. Lesson: Don't marry someone unless you really know them.

message 18: by Anne (last edited Jun 30, 2024 07:57PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 19) 4/5/24 Driving the Tide by Lee Jackson The Littlefields and d-day and other issues mostly around the European theater of WW2. Almost done with the series. Pointed out a terrible issue where the resistance in the south of France was told to mobilize around the time of the invasion, that they would get military help. But the military help never came and the resistance and their families were exposed to Nazi retaliation. Hopefully the next book will let me know what happened. One more in the series. Lesson: Don't trust the promises of the government.

message 19: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 20) 4/7/24 Strange Rebels: 1979 and the Birth of the 21st Century by Christian Caryl Interesting history of some of the major events of 1979. I remember 1979 well and wish there was more American events in the story. The author focused on China, Great Britain, Afghanistan and Iran. Definitely learned a lot. Lesson: Free markets are the way to get people out of poverty.

message 20: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 21) 4/13/24 The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober by Catherine Gray So I have been not drinking lately and wanted to read some books about sobriety. This one was really good. Horrifying.. Lesson: Why do we drink so much? What is it we really want? It doesn't usually have anything to do with liquor.

message 21: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 22) 4/14/24 Drinking Games by Sarah Levy Another quit lit book that I listened to on audio. Oh my the horrifying stories of the black outs and injuries and hangovers and having sex with people you don't even know. These girls (see book 21) were right when they realized they had to quit drinking or die. I enjoyed the life they described after they quit. Lesson: Drinking can lead to misery, so why take the risk?

message 22: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 23) 4/19/2024 Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte My daughter recommended this book. I always keep a lot of notes in different places and I was hoping this book could help me organize them better. I've always been more a systems person than a goal person, though. I think there are some ideas I would try, but my systems work pretty well for me already. Lesson: Capture ideas and articles and thoughts that resonate.

message 23: by Anne (last edited Apr 20, 2024 10:34AM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 24) 4/20/24 How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Greig Excellent book on prayer. It started out simple, but branched out into many different types of prayer. I really like the way he told stories about both answered and unanswered prayers. Lesson: Keep praying, God remembers all your prayers.

message 24: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 25) 4/23/2024 The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly Read this because we were going to England on vacation! Three time periods, three women, centered around the same garden. Pretty entertaining. Lesson: Gardens take a lot of work.

26) 5/2/2024 Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis I try to read this book every couple of years. Written by such a wise thinker. Lesson: The whole history of humanity is the story of people trying to find happiness in something other than God.

27) 5/10/2024 Code Name Hélène by Ariel Lawhon Based on a real story. An Austrailian reporter marries a Frenchman right before WWII. She gets involved in the Resistance. And it is amazing what she accomplishments. But an old flame of her husband causes many problems. Lesson: Fight for those who can't fight for themselves.

message 25: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 28) 5/15/2024 Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton Fun book about searching for dinosaur bones in the wild west. Including two professors who hated and sabotaged each other's efforts. Plus gunfights and crooks and a young man who finally learned to fight for what was important. Lesson: Do what you know is the right thing to do.

message 26: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 29) 5/20/2024 Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud A Christian perspective on how to not let others take advantage of you. Lesson: We are supposed to serve, but not be used.

30) 5/20/2024 Our Woman in Moscow by Beatriz Williams Excellent novel set in WW2 and then the cold war. Involves twin sisters, some State Department workers with communist tendencies, and a Soviet woman true believer. I liked the writing - will have to read this author again. Lesson: Being a traitor is never a good thing.

message 27: by Anne (last edited May 26, 2024 05:15PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 31) 5/26/2024 Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb I read Fool's Errand not realizing there were so many books before it. So I am beginning from the beginning. I liked this book. I liked the pacing. I liked Fitz. The intrigue and the magic were so interesting. I'm so lucky that I have this whole set of novels to read in front of me. Lesson: You never know who is your friend or your enemy.

message 28: by Anne (last edited May 31, 2024 11:07AM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 32) 5/30/2024 A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers I've had this trilogy on my shelves for a long time and finally decided to read the first one. It was a great read. About the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the early church told through the eyes of some very interesting characters. Lesson: Sometimes it is the slave who is the most free.

33) 5/31/2024 The Cold War: A New History by John Lewis Gaddis Listened to this on audio. Definitely learned a lot and am looking at the Cold War a bit differently. Too bad we didn't learn the lessons of the period, however. Seems like we are moving back to totalitarian rule in so much of the world. Lessons: Free markets and free people are the best methods for happy nations, however, too many want power and control over the people. And once they get it, they have a hard time giving it up.

message 29: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 34) 6/4/2024 The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon Historical Fiction/mystery by an author I've read recently and liked. The main character is a midwife in main and there is all kinds of stuff going on in her town. Enjoyed the tension and the stories of the births. Lesson: Life is hard for women in the 1790s in the winter.

message 30: by Anne (last edited Jun 13, 2024 12:34PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 35) 6/12/2024 Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb Poor Fitz. Hardly anything goes right for him in this book except for Nighteyes. And Burrich. But I don't get the people who follow Regal. He's so evil, why would anyone want to even be near him? I don't get it. Lesson: Serve the king as best as you can but be careful of treachery...

message 31: by Anne (last edited Jun 17, 2024 02:51PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 36) 6/17/2024 On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King Enjoyed this memoir from Stephen King. And the instructions he gives on how to be a writer: 1) Write a lot and 2) Read a lot. And let the story be the main thing. I like King's books, always have. He seems like a nice guy in this book. Just wish he wasn't such a jerk on social media. Lesson: Read a lot. Get rid of your TV and read.

message 32: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 37) 6/22/2024 A Guide to Christian Meditation by John Bartunek Short book with a 4 word guide telling you how to do Christian Meditation. I hope it helps with the distractions. Will give it a shot. Lesson: You need focus to be able to pray.

message 33: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 38) 6/26/2024 Everything's Eventual by Stephen King A bunch of stories written by the master. Some were really scary. Had to read during the day. I really liked the Roland tale from the Dark Tower series. I miss the Dark Tower. Will have to re-read it someday. Lesson: Don't stop in graveyards when you are hitchhiking at night.

message 34: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 39) 6/29/2024 Code Warriors: NSA's Code Breakers and the Secret Intelligence War Against the Soviet Union by Stephen Budiansky Scary book about the NSA and the cold war. Tons of issues about how the intelligence agencies worked together or not. Lesson: They have all our information, no one is stopping them. They think they know best.

message 35: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 40) 6/30/2024 Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid I may need to come back and edit this, since I'm still processing a lot from this book. There are so many themes. Women wanting what they want. Priorities. Art. Trying to be the person you were meant to be. Some of it I really didn't like. But all-in-all pretty good. Lesson: Making it all about yourself is not a good way to live.

message 36: by Anne (last edited Jul 04, 2024 05:26PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 41) 7/4/2024 Misery by Stephen King Wow, what a scary book! And there was nothing supernatural. Neither of the main characters had any special powers. Just a writer and his crazy sociopathic fan. I had to put it down sometimes just to catch my breath. Lesson: Don't drive during a Colorado snowstorm especially after a few drinks.

message 37: by Anne (last edited Jul 07, 2024 05:22PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 42) 7/7/2024 The Outsider by Stephen King Not as scary as Misery, but I enjoyed it more. How do you explain the unexplainable? Good story, good characters, scary situations. Has a little of the Dark Tower in it. Lesson: A person cannot be in two places at the same time, but sometimes you have to believe the unbelievable.

message 38: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 43) 7/11/2024 An Echo in the Darkness by Francine Rivers Excellent novel about the faith of a woman. The second in the series. Loved both of these books. Hadassah is so inspirational. Lesson: Keep praying and listing to the Lord.

message 39: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 44) 7/16/2024 Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds by Jen Wilkin Excellent book on how to study the Bible. Very inspirational. I'm doing a Bible study by this author right now on the Sermon on the Mount and I wanted to know about her background. Lesson: The Bible is not a self help book, it's a book about God.

message 40: by Anne (last edited Jul 19, 2024 09:35AM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 45) 7/19/24 Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys Young adult novel about a group of people trying to escape the Russians in Germany at the end of WWII. They board a ship called the Willhelm Gustloff which was sunk by a submarine. A novel written around a true event. 9500 people died. Incredible. This is a moment in history I did not know about. Lesson: Reading historical fiction motivates me to learn about the events in the story.

message 41: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 46) 7/24/2024 The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government by David Talbot Another book about the evil done by the intelligence agencies post World War II. He focuses mostly on Allen Dulles and has several chapters on the Kennedy's. Lesson: The deep state has been around a long time.

message 42: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 47) 8/4/2024 Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb A long book... Eventful. But Fitz survives. How he survives, I really can't figure out. I knew it at the beginning of the book because I had read one of the later books by accident before. I enjoy these books, though. I like the image of the skill. Reaching out with your mind. Kind of like prayer. Will continue reading these books. Exciting, full of tension, full of magic, full of heroism. Lesson: There's always a way out.

message 43: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 48) 8/11/2024 In the Flesh: My Story by Michael Gabriele I think I bought this book for Frank and he read it in the hospital while sick and dying. That thought gives me comfort. Basically it's a first person version of Jesus's story. The scenes of the passion are pretty horrific. Lesson: Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.

message 44: by Anne (last edited Aug 15, 2024 07:07PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 49) 8/14/2024 Before We Were Innocent by Ella Berman Entertaining novel about some crazy young girls who are allowed way too much freedom. They have no limits set on them. What were their parents thinking? Anyway, bad stuff happens. Duh. Lesson: Keep a close watch over teenage girls.

message 45: by Anne (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 50) 8/20/24 The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace by Paul Thomas Chamberlin Lot's of violence throughout the world during the peace of the cold war. Was hard to read. Lesson: most violence against people is from their own governments.

51) 8/26/2024 A Chain of Thunder by Jeff Shaara First book I've ever read about the siege of Vicksburg. I think since it's so overshadowed by Gettysburg it is easy to overlook. Standard Shaara historical novel. Well researched and informative. Lesson: The South has a hard time with people from Pennsylvania.

message 46: by Anne (last edited Sep 01, 2024 04:25PM) (new)

Anne  (arl0401) | 453 comments 52) 9/1/2024 Red Sky Mourning by Jack Carr Another entertaining thriller from Mr. Carr. Enough real life stuff to make it believable. But how many times can Reece survive against overwhelming odds? How many times can he possibly save the world? Still I like reading these books. Lesson: Don't put your faith in technology.

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