The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Buddy Read Hub > Buddy Reads - Request Here

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
If you want to do a Buddy Read, just leave a comment below or respond to someone else's request. It's up to you, no pressure!

It might help to share a few things like:

-What kinds of books do you like
-Whether you read fast, slow, or at a moderate pace
-How quickly you want to finish the book
-How often you want to talk about the book with your reading buddy

When you find a match, you can create a new topic in the Buddy Read Hub folder (or ask me if you have trouble doing it) so you can start your own buddy-read conversation. Just include the book name and then the buddy's names. Feel free to shorten a longer book name.

As an example: The Hunger Games - John/Debby


message 2: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments Hi I'm looking for a buddy reader. I just started Lonesome Dove and will be reading some Steven King as well. I like a lot of books but I don't read too much romance. I read pretty fast, depending on what I have going on at the time.

message 3: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Hi Tasha, what King will you be reading?

message 4: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments Hi Vickie, I'm thinking it's a toss up for Needful Things, Billy Summers or Bag of Bones, but I have a bunch of King books that I still need to read lol.

message 5: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Yeah, I still have quite a bit to get through as well. I read Billy Summers and loved it! I haven't read the other two, though.😊

message 6: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
If you have any in mind you want to read let me know. Im at book 3 in the dark tower series, and recently received a stack of about 16 King books for my birthday lol
The stack looks pretty intimidating at the moment.
Different Seasons doesn't seem to be too long lol

message 7: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Wow, what an awesome birthday present, lots of book!🥰

I'm up for anything, so whenever you decide to dive into another one of his, just let me know which one it is, and if I haven't read it, I'll join you. 😊 I did just finish reading It, so I'm currently not in the mood for a huge one, lol.

message 8: by Emily (new)

Emily I would be interested in a buddy read of a King book, I just finished The Shining last month. But I am doing Lonesome Dove as a buddy read right now and it is sooo long!

message 9: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog) (nerdishmaddog) | 63 comments I would be interested in a King book buddy read and Needful things is on my list for the year. I'd also be interested in Lonesome Dove but February I'm committed to a buddy read of The Grace of Kings. When would you want to start Lonesome?

message 10: by Emily (new)

Emily We started it on this past Sunday, only two chapters a day. I am having a hard time getting into it though.

message 11: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments I just started Lonesome Dove too as a buddy read, but I don't think the person is reading the book. I think I'm on chapter two.

@Vicki Thank you, yes it was an awesome present!! lol Do you have Bag of Bones? That one doesn't seem too long.

message 12: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments @Nichole (Nerdish.Maddog) Let me know when you start Needful Things and do you have Bag of Bones?

message 13: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Yes, Tasha, I do.👍😊

message 14: by Anushka (new)

Anushka Malik (_anushkamalik) | 12 comments Hi. I plan to start The Atlas Complex in the first week of February. It's got a dark academia/ urban fantasy vibe with shifting POVs. But it's the third book in the series. Someone who's read the first two, please reach out? I'd love to read along and discuss with someone. I don't mind pacing myself according to someone else's schedule. Let me know.

message 15: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments That one sounds pretty good as well. :)

message 16: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog) (nerdishmaddog) | 63 comments Tasha I don't Bag of Bones but I have plans to go to half-priced books on the 12th so ill look for a copy then, they always have tons of King.

message 17: by Tasha (new)

Tasha | 11 comments @Nichole Ok :) Have fun and let me know.

message 18: by Nicole (new)

Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog) (nerdishmaddog) | 63 comments Tasha- I have Bag of Bones!!! did you already start either bag of bones or needful things? are you still interested cause I'm ready when you are.

message 19: by Karlo (new)

Karlo | 2 comments Hi! I'm looking for a buddy read for George Orwell's "1984" or maybe some Kafkas novel. Anyone interested?

message 20: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments I'm up for 1984, but if you're looking to start soon, which is fine, just know I will be reading slower than usual because of multiple books I'm reading.

message 21: by Devon (new)

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments I agree with Vicki!! I’ve been wanting to start 1984 recently but am also reading multiple library books before their due dates are up. So i may be a slower buddy read

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