The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

What are you reading? > Science Fiction

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Cracking the code of a parallel dimension? Don't leave us in quantum uncertainty...

Tell us about it!

message 2: by Eric (new)

Eric | 1 comments Blake Crouch has quickly
Become one of my favorite sci-fi writers!

Anyone have authors they love?

message 3: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Oh, I'm right there with you. Crouch is fantastic!

I also love Michael Crichton.

message 4: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah Nieman | 5 comments Working on The Midnight Library and I love it so much!!!

message 5: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Rebekah wrote: "Working on The Midnight Library and I love it so much!!!" I really enjoyed it.

message 6: by Pat of Rocks (new)

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Two stand-out authors as of recent for me in Science Fiction are:

Ken Liu (short stories)
- The Hidden Girl
- The Paper Menagerie

Cixin Liu
- 3 Body Problem
- The Dark Forrest
- Death's End

message 7: by Zai (new)

Zai Zai (zaiborg) | 6 comments john marrs is a good scifi writer! enjoyed passengers

message 8: by Zai (new)

Zai Zai (zaiborg) | 6 comments forgot atwood. enjoyed oryx and crake recently

message 9: by Pat of Rocks (new)

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Passengers sounds really interesting! Seems I've overlooked this author until now.

message 10: by Jon (new)

Jon | 7 comments I recently discovered the Prince of Britannia series by Fred Hughes. It's not deep, but it's a fun read that looks at both military strategy, intelligence, and politics in a Space Opera format. On the second book in the series so far.

message 11: by Devon (new)

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments Currently diving Into the classic The Giver by Lois Lowry

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