Teen Girls Book Club discussion

Entertainment & Games > New Year 2024

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MidnightButterfly ~ semi hiatus 'til end of august (midnightbutterfly23) | 390 comments Mod
This topic is to discuss your hopes, dreams, and resolutions for 2024!

message 2: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
Happy new year amazing people and thx mini for making this my poll didnt work this am making abut New Year’s resolutions but mine r to learn how to drive and ofc read a lot haha

message 3: by madison (new)

madison | 53 comments dang… 2023 went by so fast

message 4: by madison (new)

madison | 53 comments also, some resolutions…
1.) get my duolingo streak back up 💪
2.) drink more water :)
3.) take care of myself (eat healthier, exercise, journaling)
4.) stay focused in school, don’t get too self critical tho
5.) and finally, I really personally need to focus on not getting so worried about little things and to just learn to relax and stay calm

Anyways, Happy New Year everyone!!

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