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Sea of Tranquility
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[Closed] Added Books/Editions > Error When Adding a Book (Invalid ISBN)

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Heather K Veitch (heathwitch) | 8 comments Hi there,

Happy New Year to all.

I'm trying to add an alternative edition of Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel, however I keep getting the following message:

"Isbn13 appears invalid. Please double-check the ISBN13: 2928377174088"

The ISBN given is correct; I am physically holding the book right now, and it can be found here:

Here are the book details:

* Title: Sea of Tranquility
* Author(s) name(s): Emily St. John Mandel
* ISBN (or ASIN): 2928377174088
* Publisher: Picador
* Publication date: 6th April 2023
* Format: paperback
* Page count: 262
* Description:

Waterstones' Exclusive Edition with sprayed edges.

A novel of art, time travel, love, and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon five hundred years later, unfurling a story of humanity across centuries and space.

Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an airship terminal--an experience that shocks him to his core.

Two centuries later a famous writer named Olive Llewellyn is on a book tour. She's traveling all over Earth, but her home is the second moon colony, a place of white stone, spired towers, and artificial beauty. Within the text of Olive's best-selling pandemic novel lies a strange passage: a man plays his violin for change in the echoing corridor of an airship terminal as the trees of a forest rise around him.

When Gaspery-Jacques Roberts, a detective in the black-skied Night City, is hired to investigate an anomaly in the North American wilderness, he uncovers a series of lives upended: The exiled son of an earl driven to madness, a writer trapped far from home as a pandemic ravages Earth, and a childhood friend from the Night City who, like Gaspery himself, has glimpsed the chance to do something extraordinary that will disrupt the timeline of the universe.

A virtuoso performance that is as human and tender as it is intellectually playful, Sea of Tranquility is a novel of time travel and metaphysics that precisely captures the reality of our current moment.


Many thanks for any help anyone can offer.



Heather K Veitch (heathwitch) | 8 comments Bumping for visibility/help, please. :)

message 3: by Javier (last edited Jan 17, 2024 08:59PM) (new)

Javier (palchetti) | 22506 comments That is not a valid ISBN, 13-digit ISBNs start with 978- or 979-. You should check the book for a number like that (maybe on the copyright page?)

If no valid ISBN can be found, you can leave the field blank, then add a librarian note stating the invalid code afterward. For the cover image, you can add a scan/photo of your copy if you want.

[EDIT: Just in case: we cannot use images or data from Waterstones, as that is a (non-publisher) bookseller site (see]

Heather K Veitch (heathwitch) | 8 comments Javier wrote: "That is not a valid ISBN, 13-digit ISBNs start with 978- or 979-. You should check the book for a number like that (maybe on the copyright page?)"

Thanks for the reply! I know that ISBNs begin with 978- or 979-, hence why I was confused by this. It clearly states on the back cover "ISBN: 2928377174088", however on the inside cover there's an ISBN which begins with 978-, so I'll work with that. Thank you. :)

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