Sci-fi and Heroic Fantasy discussion

Just for Fun > Looking for a book

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message 1: by Tod (new)

Tod Glasgow | 2 comments I am looking for a book a read when I was a kid. The details are a little fuzzy, but here we go. Circa 1980's. Some satellite system uses lasers to destroy any jet engine, for any country. Something about a Japanese aircraft carrier was frozen in ice. It comes back and battle ensues between the frozen aircraft carrier and the US using old prop planes.


message 2: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 944 comments Following, because that sounds interesting!

message 3: by Michelle (last edited Jan 05, 2024 02:32PM) (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 944 comments Wait, is it The Seventh Carrier?

message 4: by Tony (new)

Tony Calder (tcsydney) | 851 comments The Seventh Carrier was my initial thought as well, and it's the right timeframe - I hadn't realised it was written so long ago - but I'm not sure if the lasers fit in.

message 5: by Robin (new)

Robin Tompkins | 871 comments I have to say that I had never heard of this book. However, with a bit of Googling I found the below description for the series of Seventh Carrier novels...
















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The Seventh Carrier


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A series of Alternate History novels written by Peter Albano. The basic (and formulaic: the structure stays much the same from book to book) plot has a fictional fourth ship of the Yamato class, the Yonaga, being trapped in ice just before it's supposed to join the Pearl Harbor strike force in 1941. Forty-two years later, the crew finally manages to break out of the icy trap, and sails forth to complete its mission. At the same time, China launches a satellite system designed to disable jet and rocket engines worldwide. One thing leads to another, and Yonaga and her crew of geriatric latter-day samurai become the Free World's first line of defense against an Arab/Muslim alliance led by Libya.

So, Michelle/Tony I think you nailed it...☺

message 6: by Robin (new)

Robin Tompkins | 871 comments Not quite sure why all that stuff copied over as well as the bit I highlighted... ☺ It would help if I knew what I was doing. LOL

message 7: by Andrea (last edited Jan 06, 2024 06:39AM) (new)

Andrea | 3276 comments I guess you're not supposed to wonder how those guys survived 42 years stuck on a ship presumably with no supplies (since if they could be supplied they could be rescued). Must have gotten REALLY boring after a while :o)

message 8: by Robin (new)

Robin Tompkins | 871 comments Hmmm... Penguin sandwiches? Polar bear pie? Whale meat again (don't know where don't know when). Arctic Tern(over)? Yes, well, I don't suppose half of those things actually live there but the cartoonish images just kept coming.

message 9: by Robin (new)

Robin Tompkins | 871 comments Got it... Japanese crew... They lived on Sushi...☺

message 10: by Tony (new)

Tony Calder (tcsydney) | 851 comments Maybe trapped in ice means that the crew were frozen as well? I have the first 3 novels of the series in my Kindle, but I haven't read them yet. The description on Amazon DOESN'T mention the Chinese satellite launch, hence my not being sure about it.

Anyway, Tod, it sounds like the Seventh Carrier series is what you are remembering.

message 11: by Tod (new)

Tod Glasgow | 2 comments Thanks all, going to give the 7th carrier a read.

message 12: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 944 comments Andrea wrote: "I guess you're not supposed to wonder how those guys survived 42 years stuck on a ship presumably with no supplies (since if they could be supplied they could be rescued). Must have gotten REALLY b..."

Well, if Han Solo could survive being frozen anyone could :)

message 13: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (michellehartline) | 944 comments Tod wrote: "Thanks all, going to give the 7th carrier a read."

Oh good, Tod! Please let us know if that's the correct book.

message 14: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 3276 comments I just assumed they weren't frozen since the blurb above said "and Yonaga and her crew of geriatric latter-day samurai" :)

But for sure its one of those things you shouldn't think too much about, just take it as fact and then enjoy the story from there.

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