Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion


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message 1: by BELKACEM (new)

BELKACEM OULDABDERRAHMANE | 5 comments Saber, with a mischievous wink, organizes dhikr flash-mobs where participants, singing the names of the Infinite, short-circuit WiFi networks to substitute a heart-to-heart connection. Bursts of laughter and joy intersperse between the chants, and the city pulses to the rhythm of brotherhood.
Irenaeus, finding allies among street musicians, orchestrates impromptu concerts that transform subways into cathedrals of sound and silence. The subway becomes a mobile monastery where laughter mingles with prayer, and the sacred meets the everyday.
Chen, not without a touch of irony, leads robotic security agents in Tai Chi dances, creating a surreal spectacle that attracts crowds. The machines discover a soul for the duration of a dance, and the spectators, half-amused and half-awed, grasp the subliminal message: even in the coldest wiring, the warmth of life can burst forth.
Through these burlesque scenes and vignettes of revelation, the narrative infuses a spirit of lightness into the exploration of profound themes. Technological advancements, while they have their merits, are rebalanced by the values of humanity and spirituality. The citizens of Los Angeles, momentarily distracted from In their frenzied race towards the future, they rediscover simple pleasures: the warmth of a shared smile, the richness of a conversation without screens in between, the tranquility of a moment spent contemplating the sky rather than the latest phone model.
The novel, in depicting these transformations, does not mock technology but invites to re-appropriate digital tools as means and not ends. In a mix of humor and wisdom, it offers a mirror to society, revealing that beyond material progress lie treasures of humanity to be rediscovered and cherished.
The story continues, weaving between its lines an invitation to reimagine our world, to infuse it with a spirit of sharing and unity. In this City of Angels in full metamorphosis, every citizen becomes a disciple of life, learning to dance to the rhythm of true progress — the kind that leads to the flourishing of the soul.
The adventures of Saber, Irenaeus, and Chen soon infiltrate social media, becoming viral despite their antithetical nature to digital culture. Memes flourish, depicting the three masters with tenderness and humor, elevating them to the status of modern-day heroes for a population thirsty for meaning.
On every street corner, one can see graffiti depicting Saber with his enigmatic smile, saying, "Disconnect to reconnect." Irenaeus, meanwhile, becomes the face of fashionable T-shirts, with truncated but charming quotes like "Faith down? Recharge here!" And Chen, illustrated meditating amidst urban chaos, is now an icon for new ecological movements, his maxim "Breathe, you have already arrived" circulating on stickers placed on laptops and reusable bottles.
In Los Angeles cafes, people gather to discuss philosophy rather than economy, and baristas serve drinks named after the teachings of the three masters. One orders a "Saber Latte" to remind oneself to stay grounded, an "Irenaeus Frappé" to ponder transcendence, and a "Chen Chai" to find balance.

message 2: by BELKACEM (new)

BELKACEM OULDABDERRAHMANE | 5 comments "The Whispering City: A Tale of Three Sages" , Belkacem Ouldadberrahmane

message 3: by kimberly (new)

kimberly reese | 12 comments The Five People You Will Meet In Heaven. The Author Was on Oprah Show Years Ago. You will understand what is heaven is all about when you read it

message 4: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Huether (sharlinnea01yahoocom) | 19 comments Message 4: By Sharon

message 5: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Huether (sharlinnea01yahoocom) | 19 comments I recently read this book in Dec 2023. A great story an example of
a man's self worth.

message 6: by Morris (new)

Morris Rainville | 12 comments kimberly wrote: "The Five People You Will Meet In Heaven. The Author Was on Oprah Show Years Ago. You will understand what is heaven is all about when you read it"
I will be checking this book. My late wife's book written in 1973, is very close to the same subject. The book is "Beyond the Death of Ira Nesbitt" by Dorothy E Rainville. I enjoy books on this subject. Thanks for posting this.

message 7: by BELKACEM (new)

BELKACEM OULDABDERRAHMANE | 5 comments Morris wrote: "kimberly wrote: "The Five People You Will Meet In Heaven. The Author Was on Oprah Show Years Ago. You will understand what is heaven is all about when you read it"
I will be checking this book. My ..."

It's wonderful to hear that you appreciate books delving into themes of the afterlife and spiritual journeys. It seems like "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" has struck a chord with you, as has "Beyond the Death of Ira Nesbitt" by Dorothy E. Rainville. These themes are indeed powerful and often provide deep insights into our understanding of life and what might lie beyond. Your interest in such literature aligns beautifully with the essence of my book, "The Whispering City: A Tale of Three Sages," which also explores profound spiritual and metaphysical themes. I hope you find a similar depth and resonance in my work, and it offers you new perspectives and reflections on these captivating subjects.

message 8: by BELKACEM (new)

BELKACEM OULDABDERRAHMANE | 5 comments Sharon wrote: "I recently read this book in Dec 2023. A great story an example of
a man's self worth."

kimberly wrote: "The Five People You Will Meet In Heaven. The Author Was on Oprah Show Years Ago. You will understand what is heaven is all about when you read it"

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on my book. I'm truly gratified to hear that you found it to be a great story, particularly in its exploration of a man's self-worth. It's always rewarding to know that the themes and narratives I've woven into the book resonate with readers. Your feedback is immensely appreciated, and I hope my work continues to provide you with meaningful and engaging reading experiences.

message 9: by Gianlubodai (new)

Gianlubodai author  | 6 comments "We have a lot of plans, all nights. Sometimes they break between deserted streets and blocked windows. So wonderful, when battles end before dawn.
This is spirituality."
I glad you speaks, also you, about this. Nice day.

message 10: by BELKACEM (new)

BELKACEM OULDABDERRAHMANE | 5 comments Gianlubodai wrote: ""We have a lot of plans, all nights. Sometimes they break between deserted streets and blocked windows. So wonderful, when battles end before dawn.
This is spirituality."
I glad you speaks, also y..."


message 11: by kimberly (new)

kimberly reese | 12 comments Without God I Am Nothing. I Am Not Rich But I Have Rich Ideas And I Have Been In Events With Rich People Daddy Said My Money Is Good. And That What They Want In VIP.

message 12: by Gianlubodai (new)

Gianlubodai author  | 6 comments Happy birthday to you, Oprah!

message 13: by Sharon (last edited Jan 29, 2024 07:44AM) (new)

Sharon Huether (sharlinnea01yahoocom) | 19 comments I'm reading on a daily bases " Walking with the Savior" by Max Lucado.
Messages from the Bible in every day English.

message 14: by Theodore (new)

Theodore Orenstein (theodoreorenstein) | 1 comments I will read this book.
I also recommend Awaken Your Soul: How to Find Your Inner Spirit and Life's Purpose.
It has received 5 star ratings and great praise from editorial reviewers including “This book raises the bar of spirituality. It is an important book." from Saby Reviews and “Prepare to embark on a mind-expanding expedition...His words are like a lantern illuminating the path, showing us how to tap into our inner spirit..” from The Bookish Elf.

message 15: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Huether (sharlinnea01yahoocom) | 19 comments Thanks for the recommendation.

message 16: by Morris (new)

Morris Rainville | 12 comments Thank you, Theodore. I plan to get "Awaken Your Soul". It sounds like exactly what I like to read.

message 17: by Lorrainek (new)

Lorrainek | 3 comments I've been a member of Goodreads since early 2000s and have enjoyed a number of novels referred herein by club members, now have two spiritual emancipation and realisation books, books I wrote to open up about my journey into the spiritual realm, the first is called life of and angel Heaven and Earth all incorporated in, second is diepdale my Elders Home when all is stripped away, my journey into the third phase of life, living in the spiritual realm learning to rely on the prophesy and revelation given to me to impart to the world and those close to me, I myself allowing myself to be naked in front of the universe and accept the journey I was being revealed for and to deliver on, coming to know my true self without depending on any materialistic identity or wealth this is detailed in diepdale my Elders Home when all is stripped away I learner a lot about people close to me and those I've never met face to face, am still on the journey. By .. Lorrainek

message 18: by John (new)

John Kahn | 11 comments The joy of living was a really good book on mindfulness meditation, well written and easy to understand at all levels of practice.

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