1x1 Roleplay discussion

1x1 RP > Wallflower & Taylor

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message 1: by wallflower (new)

wallflower | 8 comments Okay, should we focus on the romance of Jack Skellington and Sally or....a story going on outside of Jack and Sally with the movie's original characters or our own?

message 2: by wallflower (new)

wallflower | 8 comments Hello?

message 3: by Taylor (new)

Taylor | 6 comments Your choice!

message 4: by wallflower (new)

wallflower | 8 comments Hmmm... It might be nice to roleplay something with Jack and Zero. I don't feel up to roleplaying romance at the moment, if that's okay.

message 5: by Taylor (new)

Taylor | 6 comments okay yea Im on the same boat.

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