Space Opera Fans discussion

Sentinels Saga – Volume One
This topic is about Sentinels Saga – Volume One
R2R Read-to-Review Program > R2R Sentinels Saga Volume 1 (Military Space Opera*)—10 copies

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message 1: by Linn (new) - added it

Linn | 3 comments This is Military Space Opera with an asterisk because it’s not really typical of the genre. Since much of the story focuses on young characters, it was important to me to keep it suitable for younger readers — borderline Middle Grade to Young Adult. Since this is a rather hefty read at 700+ pages, I won’t hold anyone to the two week turnaround to post a review. Two formats are available—print and ePub. If you’re not sure this is for you, the “look inside” sample on Amazon provides almost five full chapters to preview, which should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect.

An epic story of friendship, honor, and valor, in the face of harrowing space combat.

Personnel File – Sentinel Space Fleet
Sentinel ID# 010-2739-J45
Name: Robin Starling
Age: 13
Service Classification: Pilot in training
Last Known Assignment: CVS Wallaby - christening flight.
[Mission Update]: Failed to report...
Ship and entire crew presumed lost.

message 2: by odedo1 (new)

odedo1 Audio book worm.  | 68 comments Do you have the book in audio ?

message 3: by odedo1 (new)

odedo1 Audio book worm.  | 68 comments All I do is review for authors audiobooks by their requests on Audible U.K or U.S but most prefer U.K as I do to and I would love to review your Science Fiction books if they are on audio.

Thanks for taking your time for reading this.

If you need a copy of my listener page from audible, please let me know.

Much appreciations,

Oded Ostfeld.

message 4: by Linn (new) - added it

Linn | 3 comments odedo1 wrote: "All I do is review for authors audiobooks by their requests on Audible U.K or U.S but most prefer U.K as I do to and I would love to review your Science Fiction books if they are on audio.


My apologies, odedo1, this series is not available in audio form. Having reviewed it myself in text to speech, I'm not convinced it would present very well in audio. But thank you for your interest.


message 5: by odedo1 (new)

odedo1 Audio book worm.  | 68 comments Thanks for your answer,
If you do ever need an audiobook reviewed please let me know and I will gladly do.

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