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Self-Promotion > May Contain Space Pirates - Coming Soon!

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message 1: by M (last edited Jan 19, 2024 10:26PM) (new)

M F Alfrey | 2 comments Hi all! I am excited to announce my new space pirate SFF comedy adventure (new adult) is coming soon. Check out the pretty promo posters! Ooh, shiny.

Great Space is vast. Vast and dangerous. Vast and marvellous. Vast and utterly mind-blowing. Did I mention it was vast? Out there, in that vastness, is a darkness and it is spreading throughout the Ultraverse. But as it is darkness spreading through, er, darkness, no one has noticed.

So, hold on to you hydro-spanners … this krutz it about to get real!

Check out my author bio here:

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