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Reviews > Looking for reviewers on my first guided journal

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message 1: by Cathy (new)

Cathy Díaz | 5 comments Hello!

Are you willing to look at a guided journal?

I'm looking for some kindhearted readers to take a moment and give some feedback (review or directly to me) on my guided journal.

I absolutely love journaling (I blog about it, but this isn't a plug for that).

The intro is short, has examples, goes directly into repeating journal prompts-- altogether 100 pages.

It's tool to help reframe negative thinking, and I go directly into the brass tacks of what has helped me personally, but no extra fluff or sales pitch like some self-help books.

This is my first published work, and I welcome ALL feedback. Anyone who wants a free ebook copy can have it. This ends Feb 21st, FYI.

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