Dystopia Book Group discussion

Dystopian Threads

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message 1: by Tony (new)

Tony Travis | 4 comments Hi all,

I would love to offer my new Ebook Short Story for anyone to look at. It is free on Kindel under the sub. Looks feedback or reviews. So, hoping to have a discussion here as well!

Tony Travis

Dystopian Threads by Tony Travis

Thanks to anyone that takes a look or more!


✨Arielle (Queen of the stars)✨ on semi-hiatus | 98 comments Mod
That’s so cool! I don’t have a kindle, but is there any other way to read it?

message 3: by Tony (new)

Tony Travis | 4 comments Tony wrote: "Hi all,

I would love to offer my new Ebook Short Story for anyone to look at. It is free on Kindel under the sub. Looks feedback or reviews. So, hoping to have a discussion here as well!


Sent you a message, but you can read them on Amazon directly without the device, should it be free, or you have the sub. I will be running a free promo on it soon also when my next short story releases later this month.

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