Hugo & Nebula Awards: Best Novels discussion

Beggars in Spain (Sleepless, #1)
This topic is about Beggars in Spain
Buddy Reads > 2024 March-xx BR: Sleepless Trilogy

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Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Hi everyone, since there was so much interest in a buddy read of Beggars in Spain this month, I've created a thread for it. I'll probably start sooner rather than later.

message 2: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Great! I'll join

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I’ll join too. When are you looking to start?

message 4: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Allan wrote: "I’ll join too. When are you looking to start?"

I planned to finish a few more short fiction for 2024 nominations and start with monthly reads, then BR, so my optimal schedule to start around the 20th, but as Kalin wants to "start sooner rather than later", I may move my monthly reads after the BR

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
I am also trying to finish a few more novellas before the deadline so I'd like to start around 9th.or 10th. But I've got the audiobook on loan so I might start listening slowly before then.

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Sounds good to me, I’ll shoot for next weekend. I’ve also got the audio on loan too, but I’ve got time.

message 7: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
I have wanted to read this for quite a while. I don't know if I will have time . . . right now I am reading The Uninvited, which I am finding slow.

I will try to join

message 8: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
So is the novella exactly the same as the novel? I realize that there are 4 parts to the novel. Is the novella just one of the 4 parts?

I just want to know if I should read it first

message 9: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "So is the novella exactly the same as the novel? "

I guess Kalin ment novellas published in 2023, not this book, which is definitely a novel

message 10: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
OK, then, I will skip the novella in the belief that it is very/totally similar to parts of the book

Stephen Burridge | 694 comments Yes, I believe the original novella is the first part of the novel.

message 12: by Stephen (last edited Mar 02, 2024 10:46AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Stephen Burridge | 694 comments I read this in 2022 and gave it 4 stars. My view was that it’s a substantial sf novel, but I had reservations. I’ll be interested to see what you folks think.

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
I've started listening to the audio on my commute. The first few chapters are really strong. What a shitty dad!

message 14: by Kalin (last edited Mar 05, 2024 04:27PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Kateblue wrote: "OK, then, I will skip the novella in the belief that it is very/totally similar to parts of the book"

Yeah, I'm reading the H/N-nominated novel, not the H/N-winning novella.
I'm trying to read 2023 novella releases in time to nominate for the Hugos this year, like Acorn said.

message 15: by Jim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jim | 14 comments Stephen wrote: "I read this in 2022 and gave it 4 stars.

I gave it 3 stars, which in my universe means: "Solid writing; good, entertaining or informative." I'm a rather harsh critic, so 3 stars means I liked the book quite a bit. I enjoyed the conflict between the libertarian point of view versus the more socialist view, and the fact that Nancy Kress never really chooses one side over the other. I did think the novel ended a little abruptly, so I would have liked more -- then I discovered there is more! Two more novels in fact, so I plan on getting to them this year sometime.

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I read it a couple years ago and found the premise really interesting. I think that the second half slowed it down a little & then it had an open ending. I’m re-reading so that I can follow up with the 2nd book, also a HN nominee, and maybe the 3rd. I’ll likely finish The White Dragon tomorrow, then I’ll get started.

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Oh yeah I'm super into the premise, even though it is total bollocks biologically speaking.

I have books 2&3 and want to get to them at some point too.

Stephen Burridge | 694 comments Jim wrote: "…I enjoyed the conflict between the libertarian point of view versus the more socialist view…”

I thought the presentation of the “libertarian” point of view was somewhat dated and I didn’t care for it. Partly a matter of my own politics perhaps.

I’ll put another general criticism behind a spoiler warning:

(view spoiler)

I may be too generous with the stars, because I regard those as serious criticisms. I did find the book pretty absorbing. Kress seems to be good at writing about characters with intense personal relationships and conflicts.

message 19: by Kalin (last edited Mar 06, 2024 10:12AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Hi everyone, if you are going to discuss the book's themes or plot as someone who has read the full book, please use spoiler tags like Stephen did, as some of us are just starting it.

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I started last night, got through a couple chapters. I'm with Kalin, what a shitty dad....and husband.

Kimberly (kimberlyanne) | 50 comments So glad to be rereading this with you all! It has been years since I read this, and I am interested to see how it strikes me after all these years. I am starting today.

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
I finished Book One (Leisha) last night. It was really good but (view spoiler)

I can see how Book One would have made a good standalone novella, it has a story arc of its own that while not conclusive, does feel like it could be an open-ended ending. Has anyone read the novella? Are there broad changes to the text, or is the novel just adding on three additional sections to the story of book one?

message 23: by Stephen (last edited Mar 08, 2024 07:35AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Stephen Burridge | 694 comments Kalin wrote: "I finished Book One (Leisha) last night. It was really good but [spoilers removed]”

Entirely agree with this point, which is somewhat similar to my own criticism behind a spoiler warning in comment 18 above. Though better stated.

message 24: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
I started this and was liking it, but I am reading several books at the same time and a I am starting to get them mixed up. So I am going to finish Ninth House and then I will be back

Kimberly (kimberlyanne) | 50 comments Well, I love Kress' writing - I haven't been able to put this down today. I hate the parents - I mean good grief - and I wish I understood the science - both the real science and what is not real.

Rebecca | 400 comments This might be my first Kress book, I’ll have to double check. But I agree, starting strong and I’m pulled into the story, wondering how such a shitty situation for these girls will end.

message 27: by Allan (last edited Mar 10, 2024 08:30AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I'm at about 20% in my re-read. I have to agree with Kalin's spoiler. (view spoiler)

Also, as I proceed, I'm recalling what I found to be a flaw in the writing the first time around. (view spoiler)

message 28: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Kimberly wrote: "Well, I love Kress' writing - I haven't been able to put this down today. "

I have read only one novel by her, much more recent The Eleventh Gate and while it wasn't 'wow' type of SF, it was a solid interesting story. I plan to join BR

message 29: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Santoro | 252 comments I was definitely looking at reading this for a while... I'm in :)

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Finished last night. Second time through, it was better than I remembered. My first spoiler above still holds true, but I did change my view of the second. My issue there was not so much of an issue this time. I'm very interested in tackling Beggars and Choosers and will likely start that today.

message 31: by Jim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jim | 14 comments Allan wrote: "I'm very interested in tackling Beggars and Choosers and will likely start that today."

I just finished Beggars and Choosers a few days ago. I liked it a lot. Haven't decided yet if I like it more than Beggars in Spain, but there are some things I did like more. I have the third book Beggars Ride on reserve at from the library and should get it within a month.

Kimberly (kimberlyanne) | 50 comments Finished today. As opposed to some of the older books that have been rereads for me, I found that I still really liked this one. Very interesting all through, the implications and the science and the politics. I am going to grab the second one from the library soon as well.

Rebecca | 400 comments I’m at about 65% and it’s dragging a bit. The first two sections were great! So I’m hoping things pick back up again.

message 34: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "I’m at about 65% and it’s dragging a bit. The first two sections were great! So I’m hoping things pick back up again."

I agree it dragged in the middle, but it gets better at the end. I really want to start the next, but no time now

message 35: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Santoro | 252 comments I love this concept...this was the definitely a wish fufillment kind of story for me.. I hate sleeping. I found that I was more interested in what happened off camera than the 2nd half of the book though.

Like how did the US disintegrate in a generation? I do think the author fell into the trap of having societal changes that should have taken much longer happen in 15-20 years so they can have the same characters around.

I also didn't need there to be even better sleepless? That was kinda silly.. I mean that's just doing the same story again with different characters.

It definitely qualifies as a good book in the 'sci fi makes you think' department though... I may read the next one at some point, we'll see.

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Joe wrote: "I also didn't need there to be even better sleepless? That was kinda silly.. ..."

Seems to me Kress was trying to show that there exist unintended consequences when you start tampering with gene mods. I think she could have (view spoiler)

message 37: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
I've started it yesterday and so far a great book, the start gave me Robert A. Heinlein vibes and one of the important characters in the middle I guess a homage to Dune series, esp. 2nd and 3rd volumes

One of the great things so far that unlike more recent SF with political bend (view spoiler)

message 38: by Joe (new) - rated it 5 stars

Joe Santoro | 252 comments There are pretty clear right and wrong sides by the end, I'd say.

message 39: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
Joe wrote: "There are pretty clear right and wrong sides by the end, I'd say."

Yes, but (view spoiler)

message 41: by Allan (last edited Apr 28, 2024 07:11AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Anyone else going on with the trilogy or at least the 2nd book? I've been trying to get to it, but other reading has taken precedence. Maybe in the next few days.

message 42: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
I plan to read the whole trilogy this year, but I am not in a hurry to do so

Kalin | 1343 comments Mod
Yes, I'm definitely going to continue to both sequels but I don't want to prioritize them this year; I'm thinking of reading one a year rather than going through them quickly.

In a weird position now with the group where I'd want to nominate Beggars and Choosers, but Beggars in Spain hasn't yet been a BOTM or been officially "read" by the group (even though it seems most group regulars have read it now).

message 44: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
So, I am going to be continuing with this series in May or June, when I have time. So I will be reading Beggars & Choosers. Want to join me, Kalin?

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
I'll be ready to start it within a couple of days.

message 46: by Kateblue, 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kateblue | 4447 comments Mod
I am reading a T Kingfisher book and then The Dark Between the Stars. I will be ready after that. So a week or so? Shall I make a new thread? Or shall we just continue here?

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Just continue here I think. I started it yesterday & got nearly halfway through the audio. Pretty good, moving fast.

message 48: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
I plan to join but only after all monthly reads, so at least 10 days, likely more (5 books, plus I may get some non-fic from my lib)

message 49: by Oleksandr, a.k.a. Acorn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Oleksandr Zholud | 4967 comments Mod
I renamed the thread to include the whole trilogy

message 50: by Allan (last edited May 01, 2024 11:19AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Allan Phillips | 3228 comments Mod
Thanks, Acorn! I made a big dent in #2 yesterday but don't have as much listening time today. Good story though, told first person through the perspectives of three different individuals, only one of whom was in the first book.

Book #3 was also available from the library, so I borrowed it & might squeeze it in before The Fall of Hyperion. I have to admit that I flinched when I read its blurb, though, which has a dreaded reference to "what it means to be human"!

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