The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Skeleton Key
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March 2024 - Female Author > The Skeleton Key - Reviews

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Share your reviews or post-reading thoughts about the March book selection, The Skeleton Key.

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Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments I gave this book 3 stars. I didn't hate it, but I know I do not care to read it ever again.

I can not decide how I feel about this book. I liked it overall as it really pulled me in. I had to find out what was going on. There were some shocking parts that I honestly did not see coming. There were some things that did not seem to fit fully with the character development.

The main character, Nell, I can't decide if I really liked her. I liked that she seemed to have a moral compass and that she was willing to give up some toxicity out there, but I am not sure that what she tried defending in the end. I did love her relationship with Billie and was super impressed by Billie. She seemed the most real to me.

Dom, Cora, Bridget, Lal, and Rose all were intriguing characters. I can actually get behind some decisions that were made by these characters almost easier than those made by Nell. Frank, while he wasn't what I originally thought, I am not sure he didn't get his due.

I dont know who I'd recommend this book to. There was quite a bit of language. The sex was not explicit, but the book is really full of it

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments Erin Kelly’s novel, “The Skeleton Key,” left me feeling like a wanderer lost in a dense fog. While the premise held promise—a treasure hunt, family secrets, and a mysterious legacy—the execution fell short in several critical areas.
1. Character Disconnect: The characters in this book are like distant relatives at a family reunion—you know they’re related, but you can’t quite remember their names or why they matter. Nell, the protagonist, lacks depth, and her emotional journey feels like a meandering river with no clear destination. I yearned for a stronger connection to these people, but alas, they remained elusive. The mother was unlikeable, passive and lacked depth.
2. Ill-Conceived Plot: The plot resembles a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. The bones of the story (pun intended) are intriguing: a murdered woman, hidden jewels, and a book that sparks obsession. However, the puzzle pieces don’t fit seamlessly. The treasure hunt, meant to be thrilling, becomes a tedious drudge. The clues are cryptic, and the payoff feels anticlimactic. I kept waiting for the “aha!” moment, but it never arrived.
3. Sluggish Pace: If “The Skeleton Key” were a car, it would be stuck in second gear on a winding mountain road. The pacing is glacial, and the narrative stumbles over its own shoelaces. Kelly’s prose, while elegant, lacks urgency. I found myself checking my watch, wondering when the story would pick up speed. Unfortunately, it never quite revved into high gear.
In summary, “The Skeleton Key” is a frustrating enigma—a labyrinth of missed opportunities. It’s like searching for buried treasure with a broken compass: you know there’s something valuable out there, but the journey leaves you disoriented and weary.
If you’re a patient reader who enjoys unraveling intricate family sagas, give it a shot. But be prepared to navigate foggy moors, tangled relationships, and a plot that moves at a snail’s pace.

message 4: by Julie (new) - added it

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments I will need to try this book again at a later date. Perhaps it’s the narration but I was having a very difficult time following the story initially, and the multitude of characters.
I’ve set it aside for now.

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