Pinecrest RP discussion

Canterwood > Canterwood Town Square

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message 1: by ellie (new)


message 2: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "wait for me!!!!!!!" Draco called to the girl as he ran out of the prison

message 3: by ellie (new)

ellie she waited for the prince to catch up "your slow" she said, snatching a necklace off a stand

message 4: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I will have to turn you in if you keep it up"

message 5: by ellie (new)

ellie "keep what up" she asked

message 6: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "stealing!!!" he answered

message 7: by ellie (new)

ellie "im not stealing" she said defiently. "now, don't you have a castle to go to, or what?"

message 8: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I hate it" he said

message 9: by ellie (new)

ellie "hate what" she bought an apple and started to eat it

message 10: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "the castle" he answered

message 11: by ellie (new)

ellie "why?"

message 12: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "being a royal ise'nt as awesome as it seems"

message 13: by ellie (new)

ellie "seems like it though, not worring about money, or food, or anything"

message 14: by ellie (new)

ellie ((sorry))

message 15: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments ((I'ts fine))

"eeeeerrrrrr...................." he said blushing

message 16: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I guess"

message 17: by ellie (new)

ellie "what" she threw her apple in a bin

message 18: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "well now that I think about it i'ts not all that bad compared to other peoples life"

message 19: by ellie (new)

ellie "ya think. the whole reason that i steal is to survive, my family isn't the richest around"

message 20: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I'm sorry" he mummbled

message 21: by ellie (new)

ellie "for what? being rich, you can't control that" She saw a bar up ahead "Want to get something?"

message 22: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "sure I'm only 15 though"

message 23: by ellie (new)

ellie "who cares, im only 17" plus she looked older. she aways convinced a man to buy her a drink, and then left him there

message 24: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "you are?" he asked "around my age that's kind of nice" he thought "why do I care she's a thief"

message 25: by ellie (new)

ellie thy walked into the bar, and a few heads turned toward them, partly for Draco, partly for her

message 26: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "yummm..... are you sure this is a good idea?" he asked

message 27: by ellie (new)

ellie "yeah, i come hear all the time" she ordered them 2 drinks

message 28: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "what do you do when your not stealing?" Draco asked

message 29: by ellie (new)

ellie "come here, try to get guys" she shrugged

message 30: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "get guys?"

message 31: by ellie (new)

ellie "guys will do anything for a pretty girl"

message 32: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "not me"

message 33: by ellie (new)

ellie "really?"

message 34: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "what????!!!"

message 35: by ellie (new)

ellie she looked at him through the corner of her eye, sipping her drink

message 36: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "oh" he spit out the drink "what is this stuff?????!!!!!!!!!"

message 37: by ellie (new)

ellie "beer" sasha said

message 38: by ellie (new)

ellie ((dragon?))

message 39: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "oh, wow, ummmmm.........................ok"

message 40: by ellie (new)

ellie "you ok?" she asked "never had a beer before?"

message 41: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "nope" he said "wow this stuff is strong!!!"

message 42: by ellie (new)

ellie ((where should we go?))

message 43: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments ((castle?))

message 44: by ellie (new)

ellie She turned to him "what do you want to do now?"

message 45: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I can take you to the castle or the market" Draco replied

message 46: by ellie (new)

ellie "intriguing, but don't you have guards waiting for you at the jail?"

message 47: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I can send someone to tell them I'm in no need of servis"

message 48: by ellie (new)

ellie "fine, lets go" she dropped some money on the counter and headed out of the bar

message 49: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "Wich one?"

message 50: by ellie (new)

ellie "i don't care" she managed to secretly grab a bracelet off a woman wrist and stick it into her pocket

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