The Ever Isles Rp discussion

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message 1: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

message 2: by An (new)

An Nguyen | 1 comments HI

message 3: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

message 4: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod

message 5: by JustRae, A Title? Um, hopefully helpful maybe? (new)

JustRae | 136 comments Mod
Ello! ^^

message 7: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
And so, is the return, of a queen

Narrator style sounds so good lol.
But I'm up.

message 8: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments 'sup

message 10: by Husker~BACKKKK~ (new)

Husker~BACKKKK~ | 154 comments Hi i'm new ^^

message 11: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

message 12: by Husker~BACKKKK~ (new)

Husker~BACKKKK~ | 154 comments Hru?

message 13: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
good i just have the worst migraine

message 14: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

message 15: by Husker~BACKKKK~ (new)

Husker~BACKKKK~ | 154 comments i'm ok.

message 17: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments wassup

message 18: by ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) (last edited Mar 18, 2024 12:38PM) (new)

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) | 188 comments yooo
nothing much u?

message 19: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments whach you up to dawg?

message 21: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments just did a huge test :)

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) | 188 comments ohhh nicenice
doing hw in school is insane

message 23: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments yeeeee

message 25: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments wanna RP?

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) | 188 comments yea sure
im a rebel

message 27: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments oh

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) | 188 comments yea i mean i could go under cover i think

message 29: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 54 comments cool I'm a knight

Nikolai (hiatus, respond if I can ^^) Well, there’s nowhere else I can put this, so I’ll put it here.

Starting later tomorrow, I’m leaving all groups except one for personal reasons. This group happens to be a group that I am, sadly, leaving. Please pm me if you have any questions, or wanna continue a roleplay we had here. I love you all so much!
Love you,
Nik <3

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