The Ever Isles Rp discussion

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message 1: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

message 2: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
can u invite more people and make a topic for
~Character List
Plzzz and thanks

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) sure thing!

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) do you want to wait to invite ppl so we can get more established?

message 5: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
No its fine its pretty much just the places to rp that are left as well as a few little bits

message 6: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Anything you need me to do?

message 7: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Whoever can just make places to rp like theres a palace folder so maybe add everyones chambers and other places that make sense and then the same for like the town

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) hope u dont mind but I added tags so more ppl can see it!

message 10: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
I made two rp areas inside the palace

message 11: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) I'll make a folder for 'suites' and we can Make a request a suite area so those can be the bedrooms
im out of topics rn

message 13: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Madelyn wrote: "I'll make a folder for 'suites' and we can Make a request a suite area so those can be the bedrooms
im out of topics rn"

Oki u do that whoever has topics can add the request a suite area bcs im out of topics too

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) ok I added the folders that we needed

message 15: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
I finished the Request a Suite. Maybe we should add some village areas?

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) yea thats a good out of topics RN

message 17: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod

message 18: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Should I put the royal bedrooms in suites or the palace?

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) palace

message 20: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) also if u have Pinterest u can go and search for pics of a fancy bedroom and copy the link and then past it (u actually dont even need Pinterest to do it)

message 22: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod

message 23: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
For the pinterest pictures use this:

<+img src="link"+> but without the +

message 24: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Yeah I have it on my side.
Sorry that it's taking me long with some topics, but I don't think I'll be able to do that many. If possible can one of you make the royal bedrooms please?

message 25: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Im doing as many i can but i keep running out of topics

message 26: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
How long does it take until you can make more topics? Just want to know.

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) like an hour

message 28: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod

message 29: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
I managed to make the king and queen's bedroom. Any other royal bedrooms that need making?

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) the princess

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) also I was thinking it would be cool if we made a 'family tree' cuz it will be confusing

message 32: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Madelyn wrote: "also I was thinking it would be cool if we made a 'family tree' cuz it will be confusing"

Okay u do that then

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) ok except I get confused on who is who lol

message 34: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
just ask me the queen and kings children are the prince and princesses other than that no one is related to ecahother the duke and duchesses r obvi married

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) yea thats what I thought so I guess we dont need one

message 36: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Veronica wrote: "just ask me the queen and kings children are the prince and princesses other than that no one is related to ecahother the duke and duchesses r obvi married"

Which topic folder?

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) juwairiya (sorry if I spelled that wrong!) did u make the princess room or do u want me to?

message 38: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Madelyn wrote: "juwairiya (sorry if I spelled that wrong!) did u make the princess room or do u want me to?"

Just made it
Wow, you spelled it correctly!

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) lol thank you!

message 40: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Hey Veronica, can we put up a character claim for villagers and other roles?

message 41: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Juwairiya ~UN-local🌻~ wrote: "Hey Veronica, can we put up a character claim for villagers and other roles?"

Im doing that i added rebels and villagers

message 42: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Guys, QWERTY would like to be the child of a duke/duchess. It's not on the character claim but can we add it?

message 43: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Also I was thinking of making a powers claim (it IS a fantasy roleplay) and an enchanted forest. Is that fine?

message 45: by ♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) (last edited Mar 07, 2024 11:48AM) (new)

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) Topics we need:
Family tree
I will updated as needed

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) tell me if we need to add more topics

message 47: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Family tree

♥︎Madelyn (HIATUS) im horrible at figuring out family trees lol

message 49: by ジュワイリヤ, Bored (new)

ジュワイリヤ | 143 comments Mod
Don't worry, we'll work on it

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