The Ever Isles Rp discussion

Character creation > Character List

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message 1: by Veronica, Made this crazy grp (last edited May 23, 2024 06:30AM) (new)

Veronica ~summer sunshine~  | 235 comments Mod
Characters so far: (if anyone wants me to add a character to the list or edit one already there comment below otherwise dont comment on this topic)

King: Fitzroy Knightley
Queen: Elisa Knightley
Prince: Christopher Knightley
Prince: Leon Knightley
Princess: Olivia Knightley
Princess: Sansa Rose Knightley
Princess: Alexandria Knightley
Lady in waiting: Jane Harber
Lady in waiting: Lilia White
Lady in waiting: Lorelai Penny

-Kendra Arellano
-Callum Seen
-Rayha Ksee
-Connor Stone
-Chase Everett

-Red Rose

-Aaron Blackwood
-Zafreen Umair
- Jade Matthews
-Evangeline Calista

Duchess 2: Amelia Embrose

Rebel Leader: Roxanne Arya Katz
Second in command: Alice Rosestone
Undercover rebel(maid):
-Serina Caldwell
-Jace Aldrich Lightwood
-Arianna Blackwood
-Brynlee Coelho
Nora Cuffman
Max Endress

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