Pinecrest RP discussion

Dark Elven Land > *Royal Manor - Entrance*

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message 1: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, bruh why did everyone leave this group (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 99 comments Mod

Danika sighed. “It always feels good to be home.” She didn’t particularly feel connected to the manor, but she tried her best to go home to please her father. “I guess I’ll just be in my room reading without the spider.”

message 2: by ellie (last edited Mar 27, 2024 11:41AM) (new)

ellie luna sat down on a chair. "its exactly how you left it" she told dani. "I'm going to head to my room, i need to sleep. or right here is fine" she said

message 3: by Alex (new)

Alex Imig | 108 comments "Good night, girls. Both of you, get some sleep."

Aloysius hops off of Luna's shoulder and returns to his usual, chihuahua-sized form. He scuttles off down a hallway the opposite direction from Danika's bedroom.

message 4: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, bruh why did everyone leave this group (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 99 comments Mod

“Ha that won’t be happening but I’ll try. Promise!” Unless some handsome male appeared by the window. Dany shuddered as Aloysius returned to his big form, but didn’t say anything. Suddenly, Connor ran into the entrance and started nuzzling her. “Connor!” Danika exclaimed, bending down the pet the wolf. “Luna, good luck sleeping,” she smiled, ruffling Connor’s white coat.

message 5: by ellie (new)

ellie "yeah right. i will not be able to sleep" she said, getting up to pet the wolf. "but ill at least try, like you" climbing the stairs. "you coming?" she asked dani

message 6: by Alex (new)

Alex Imig | 108 comments Lucian smiles at his daughters supporting each other. "Good night, girls. I have some work to attend to before the night is over. I will see you both when you wake up."

message 7: by -ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ-, bruh why did everyone leave this group (new)

-ˋˏ ༻✿ aelin - long hiatus ✿༺ ˎˊ- | 99 comments Mod

Danika smiled as Connor licked her hand, then Luna’s. “Yeah, I’ll come. See you tomorrow dad!” she replied as she ascended the steps after Luna, Connor trailing at her heels. She’d have to get word to Bryce that she wasn’t going to be available the next day, but she’d do that later.

(view spoiler)

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