Cozy Corners BookClub discussion

Yearly Challenges 2024 > 1234 Reading Challenge

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message 1: by That Girl Amnesia (Tahlia) (last edited Jun 01, 2024 10:18PM) (new)

That Girl Amnesia (Tahlia) (thatgirlnamedamnesia) | 75 comments Mod
Welcome to the 1234 Reading Challenge for 2024!

This one is easy! Read any amount of books with numbers in the title. This can include the numerals or numbers in word form (10 or ten). It can also include different iterations of numbers, such as once, twice, ect.

To take on the challenge, please post below how many books you would like to read for this challenge. You can always add more or less to your original pledge. Make sure you update by posting a new message and quoting your original message number e.g. Message 480

- That Girl Amnesia

Books Pledged: 5
Books Read: 2

Update: 02/06/2024

That Girl Amnesia (Tahlia) (thatgirlnamedamnesia) | 75 comments Mod

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

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