Cozy Corners BookClub discussion

Yearly Challenges 2024 > Mystery Marathon 2024

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That Girl Amnesia (Tahlia) (thatgirlnamedamnesia) | 75 comments Mod
Welcome to the Mystery Marathon Challenge for 2024!

No actual running required, we promise!

For this challenge, you must read as many mysteries as you can endure. Each book counts as 1 mile or 1.6km. And the page count of the books counts as your steps! The challenger with the highest mileage and step count will be the winner for 2024.

NOTE: Re-reads do not count of this challenge.

To take on the challenge, please post below how many books you intend to read or what books you'd like to read for this challenge. Make sure you update by posting a new message and quoting your original message number e.g. Message 480


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