Pinecrest RP discussion

Norward > Norward Town Square

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message 1: by ellie (new)

ellie they arrived at the town square, and ryn was messing with her fingers, a nervous habit

message 2: by ellie (new)

ellie "hm...oh yeah, why do you ask" she needed that info, taking down the royals was the goal

message 3: by ellie (new)

ellie she picked a flower "They're... beautiful"

message 4: by ellie (new)

ellie ((thats what I was planning))

message 5: by ellie (last edited Mar 08, 2024 05:17PM) (new)

ellie "oh im so sorry for your loss" she said

message 6: by ellie (new)

ellie ((qamar?))

message 7: by ellie (new)

ellie "cedarshire" she had grown up in an orphanage in cedarshire, so not a lie

message 8: by ellie (last edited Mar 08, 2024 05:30PM) (new)

ellie "orphanded" thats all she said

"now, dont we have a plan?" signaling to the town

message 9: by ellie (last edited Mar 08, 2024 05:41PM) (new)

ellie they go into the forest. sitting on this cliff watching the sunset, she looked at him. the mission she thought. she leaned on his shoulder. maybe she could seduce him

message 10: by ellie (new)

ellie ((your turn))

message 11: by ellie (new)

ellie ((ok))

"what is your favorite color?" she asks, to gain trust start small

((idk :)) ))

message 12: by ellie (new)

ellie "mines blue." she says looking back at the sunset.

message 13: by ellie (new)

ellie ((what should we do?))

"what's your dad like?"

message 14: by ellie (new)

ellie "we should head back, its getting late" she says. getting up

message 15: by ellie (new)

ellie "no problem" she answers smiling. "im thinking of quitting, getting a job in the village sounds nice"

((now i dont want her to be a "knight"))

message 16: by ellie (new)

ellie ((lets head back to the castle))

"maybe, maybe not" smirking

message 17: by ellie (new)

ellie "corian!" she had finally caught up with him. "are you ok?"

message 18: by ellie (new)

ellie "are you sure?" she asked grabbing his wrists

(( ikr!!))

message 19: by ellie (new)

ellie "what happened back there? i knew your dad was harsh but not like that" recalling seeing a hand be raised at him

message 20: by ellie (new)

ellie ((ok, ttyl))

message 21: by ellie (new)

ellie ((also her eyes are a purply grey))

message 22: by ellie (new)

ellie "why though, why?" she never was beat as a child, definitely threated to be, but never actually beaten

message 23: by ellie (new)

ellie ((wow, now I either have to kill the king, or whoever becomes the king has to stay the same))

message 24: by ellie (new)

ellie "Woah woah woah back up. what do you mean?" she looked into his eyes

message 25: by ellie (new)


message 26: by ellie (new)

ellie "hey" turning his head back toward her "you can trust me"


message 27: by ellie (last edited Mar 10, 2024 04:03PM) (new)

ellie ((ok im going to make her kill the king and Corian hates her for it, even though he was abusive. then she goes back to the gang, but comes back and they get married or something like that))

message 28: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments (( I know ships take so long!!!))

message 29: by ellie (new)


message 30: by ellie (new)

ellie "yes"

message 31: by ellie (new)

ellie "why would he do that" now she was confused

message 32: by ellie (new)

ellie "im so sorry, corian. why dont you tell someone?"

message 33: by ellie (new)

ellie ((You do it!!!!!))

“So you’ve been living with that for, what, 12 years?”

message 34: by ellie (new)

ellie ((IGH FINE))

So now she has dirt on the king, and a devastated prince. And she has no idea what to do. So she kissed him. On the lips

message 35: by ellie (new)


message 36: by ellie (new)

ellie “Um…I’m sorry” she said quietly

message 37: by ellie (new)

ellie “I…gotta go” she hurried off

message 38: by ellie (new)

ellie she arrived at the hotel she was staying at, going to her room and sitting on her bed, recollecting the day

message 39: by ellie (new)

ellie ((to the castle))

message 40: by ellie (new)

ellie ((awesome, ill make herr sneak into his room))

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