Oprah's Book Club (Official) discussion

I love this book

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message 1: by Test (new)

Test | 7 comments I love this book

message 2: by Sharni (new)

Sharni Stein | 3 comments Just finished reading Keys to My Heart by Tania Gold. My gosh, i loved it. The character development was so clever. I loved Ezra and how he began to become stronger when he met Rose. Such a lovely story. I remember the scenes happening in real life and it actually made me smile reading it. I gave it 5 stars.
Keys to My Heart
Tania Gold

message 3: by John (new)

John Kahn | 11 comments Thank you for the book suggestion, I was looking for something else to start reading.

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Keys to My Heart (other topics)

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Tania Gold (other topics)