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Reference > I am eager to share the outcome of nearly a year's worth of effor

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message 1: by Karolina (new)

Karolina Petkuviene | 1 comments Hello,Karolina Petkuviene I am eager to share the outcome of nearly a year's worth of effort, a result that fills me with both joy and pride.
Introducing the ultimate style companion - the "Exclusive Fashion Dictionary EN-ES-FR-LT." Featuring a handpicked selection of approximately 3000 terms spanning clothing, styles, sewing techniques, colors, and more, this unparalleled resource sets itself apart with its unique offering: every term meticulously defined in four languages. With alphabetical indices for each language, navigating the world of fashion has never been easier. Not just a dictionary, but a statement piece for any bookshelf, this elegant tome is a must-have for fashion enthusiasts and linguaphiles alike.

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