A Good Thriller discussion

PIFM - Archive > PIFM - Place Your April 2024 Selections Here

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message 1: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
This thread is where you place your votes for other members once you have perused their lists. Again, please, only ONE MESSAGE per member which you can then update as you go along. We want to make this easily visible to all so please, NO REPLYING or CHATTING. The following is just an example of how your list could look:-

Sean - The Pact
Sophie -
and so on .....

Again, how you post is your choice, dress it up as much as you like, just please ensure you stick to the one message and update as you cast more votes. Voting can begin as the April 2024 selections go up.

message 2: by Kirsten (last edited Apr 02, 2024 09:27AM) (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments My votes:

Patricia - Shadow/Agatha Christie
Sophie - Satsuma Complex
Christine - Home Before Dark

message 3: by Patricia (last edited Apr 08, 2024 08:00AM) (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments Sophie - A Good Girl's Guide to Murder
Kirsten - Dune
Christine - On a Quiet Street

message 4: by Christine (new)

Christine  Hatfield  | 387 comments One Last Gift by Emily Stone
Kirsten, Patricia

Love, Holly by Emily Stone

The Magic Of A Family Christmas by Susan Meier

The Catch by T.M. Logan

On a Quiet Street by Seraphina Nova Glass
Kirsten, Patricia

White Lies by Lucy Dawson

Room for Rent A Thriller by Noelle W. Ihli

If I Go Missing by Leslie Wolfe

Home Before Dark by Riley Sager
Kirsten, Patricia

The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs

message 6: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments So sorry my votes are late - March was manic!
Here they are, in case they make any difference lol

Patricia - Trophy Son
Kirsten - Catching Fire (loved the Hunger Games)
Christine - On a Quite Street

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