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NetGalley Tips > How to get approved?

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maggie ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ (cozyinmycorner) | 1 comments So, today I found out what Netgalley was, and made a profile. I love fo read, can read books in a day, and I love writing reviews on my goodreads. Is there any way to know how to get approved?

The Sassy Bookworm (thesassybookworm) | 20 comments Read books (NetGalley) has a lot of "Read Now" titles and post your reviews. Get your % up, and just keep requesting.

message 3: by Liralen (new)

Liralen | 17 comments It's worth checking out NetGalley's "We Are Bookish" blog, which has various tips:

I'd recommend starting with some Read Now books, which don't require approval. Reading and reviewing some of those starts to build your NG credibility with publishers, not to mention your feedback ratio. When you do start requesting books, start slow—every approved book (including Read Now books) that you haven't yet reviewed impacts your feedback ratio, so although it's tempting to request twenty books at a time, it's a good idea to just request one or two at a time until you've built up more of a history (and, again, feedback ratio) on NG.

Some publishers list approval preferences on their NG page (look for "View approval preferences" near the top of the page), though those aren't always very helpful. Indie publishers may be more likely to approve requests than big-name publishers, for various reasons (don't be discouraged if your ARC request for a bestselling author is turned down!).

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