Pinecrest RP discussion

Canterwood > *Castle: Courtyard/Garden*

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message 1: by ellie (last edited Mar 20, 2024 10:37AM) (new)


message 2: by ellie (new)

ellie remember, 3+ sentences

message 3: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments (ok)

message 4: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments Thorn walked to a bench and sat down. "gods, why" he said to himself. he thought about the elf he met

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) Luella walked out into the courtyard to catch her breath not thinking anyone was out there. She liked watching the sunset out here alot. It helped calm her and clear her thoughts, atleats in that moment

message 6: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments Thorn saw the princess and thought to check on her but decieded not to. "she's really pretty" he thought to himself. he tried to act like he diden't see her

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) Luella looked around thinking the sky was pretty with the clouds. She smiled finally calming her heart from beating so much.

message 8: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments he decided he should make himself be seen so not to seem like a stalker. "ma'ma" he said saluting her in doing so slapping a bee against his head he winced but tried to not because royals were known to exuecute people for such disrespect

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) lu turned around to see a knight standing there. "hello" she said. She's seen him around but hasn't talked to him in particular.
he's kinda cute she thought looking at him

message 10: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "sorry to disturb you ma'am" he said nervously. he looked around all that was there was birds and plants

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "oh its all right, you werent bothering me" she waved him off. she watched as he looked around. It was quite beautiful out

message 12: by ellie (new)

ellie (3+ sentences))

message 13: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments (sorry)

message 14: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "how are you doing if you don't mind me asking" he added hurriedly. he watched a ant get trapped in a web. "of course your probably busy" he added

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "it was alright, not too busy thankfully" she replied. She wondered if he was ok or just nervous. People seemed to be nervous around her a lot.

message 16: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "I'm sorry for disturb you. is there anything I can get you?" he asked. "she look's around my age" he thought. the blood from the bee sting dripped into his eye he tried to not wince again and failed

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "It's ok your not a disturbance and no thank you I'm good" she looked over at him and realized he was bleeding. "oh no are you alright?" she stood up and grabbed a napkin from her dress pocket. She held it out to his face like she was gonna clean it but stopped herself

message 18: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "oh it's fine!" he said quikley then he saw her pull out the cloth and reach toward him he blushed and said "oh really ma'am it's fine"

message 19: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments ((you there?))

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "here you can use this," she said as she handed him the napkin. when she looked at the knight she saw him turn a slightly brighter red and tried not to smile.

message 21: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "thanks" he mumbled "do you need me to leave?" he asked. He wiped the wound and only managed to spread the blood "crap" he said

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "no your fine" she said. she pulled out another napkin and looked at his cut. "may i?" she held up the other napkin, so she could help him clean it

message 23: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "yeah" he said now beet red. "she's really cute!!!!" he screamed in his head. he walked forward to let her wipe his wound hoping no one saw him

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) she leaned forward to press the napkin to his cut. she started dabbing it and made the mistake of looking at his eyes. *his eyes are beautiful* she thought

message 25: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments he saw her look at him and thought "wow she look's amazing" he felt her arm graze him and it sent tingeles up his spine. then he saw the jewelry and thought "she's a princess what am I thinking she's two good for me"

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) she looked at the cut and winced it was gonna need cleaning properly to not get infected. she pulled away and said "your gonna need to clean this cut properly." she looked at his eyes again and smiled. "i could help you"

message 27: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments "if that's ok with you ma'am" he responded. he looked in her eyes and felt like he got lost in them. it took several moments before he came back to reality

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) she nodded and thought of where they could go. "yea it is" she said. she took the napkin off of his cut and went to take his hand but pulled back

message 29: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments he saw her reach toward his hand and reached out. "sorry" he said when he did. he let her lead him

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) "its ok, it was my bad.." she mumbled. she turned and started walking toward castle. Going to her room cause she had all the supplies in her bathroom.

message 31: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments ((gtg))

Thorn waited outside for her. "was that the princess??!!!" some knight ran at him "dude really??" he shoved Thorn to the ground "your such a wimp" the knight yelled

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) ((bye))

Lu went into her bathroom to grab cleaner and gauze. she was about to step out of her room when she heard a knight talking. when she heard what hed said she smiled.

message 33: by ellie (new)

ellie ((this isn't the courtyard anymore, I can make you a room if you want))

ADDIE🥀 (billie’s version) ((mb! and yes plss))

message 35: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments (where is it?))

message 36: by ellie (new)

ellie ((in canterwood, Luella's room))

message 37: by tdadragon (new)

tdadragon | 416 comments ((cool))

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