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TV and Movie Chat > Wuxia and Xianxia cdramas

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message 1: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Does anyone here watch Wuxia and Xianxia cdramas? Lately I've become a huge fan of such dramas!
The most recent wuxia cdrama that I watched and absolutely adored is A Journey to Love. It has a thrilling plot and is angst-filled throughout the whole story but there's also comic relief. Characterization and the casting is superb! Other favorite wuxia dramas are: Word of Honor, Nirvana in Fire and The Blood of Youth, all of which have beautiful choreographs of fight scenes and compelling plots.

Also, I've fallen in love with a number of xianxia cdramas (xianxia is similar to wuxia but the cast includes immortal characters) where the cinematography and costumes are pretty and the lead couples have great chemistry. My favorites are: The Untamed, Eternal Love (or Ten Miles of Peach Blossom), Novoland Pearl Eclipse and Till the End of the Moon.

The Untamed is a wildly popular one internationally! Have you watched it?

message 2: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Hi Alice, fancy meeting you here :)

I wish they made a legal translation for Nirvana in Fire - it was one of the best c-dramas I've ever watched, and seems like there could never be one like it. I wish there are translation for Ma Boyong's works, his genre (historical/mystery/detective/suspense) is definitely right up my alley. So far I could only watch the drama adaptation (can't wait for The Litchi Road!)

The danmei/BL novels seem very popular nowadays but I struggle reading them - I dropped Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 1 and Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 1 series. I just prefer something more fast-paced.

Wuxia ofc I have only read Jin Yong, I wish the translation gets better.

message 3: by Alice (last edited Apr 05, 2024 09:40AM) (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Silvana wrote: "Hi Alice, fancy meeting you here :)

I wish they made a legal translation for Nirvana in Fire - it was one of the best c-dramas I've ever watched, and seems like there could never be one like it. I..."

Hi Silvana! Nice seeing your post here! (I almost believed that I was shouting into a void :))

I don't know why Seven Seas doesn't get the translation license for Nirvana in Fire! It's such a gem! Another historical cdrama which is top-notch is The Advisors' Alliance (about Sima Yi, the adviser to Cao Cao).

I agree that the English translations of the danmei/xianxia novels are too drawn out. I usually lose patience after Vol. 2 or 3. Watching the drama adaptations is way better.

message 4: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Advisors Alliance is in Netflix, right?
I have your book in my wishlist already ^^

message 5: by Anna, Circadian heretic (new)

Anna (vegfic) | 10316 comments Mod
Alice, can you please edit your comment and remove all mentions of your own work, thanks! It's against the group's rules to mention your own books outside of the Authors' folder.

message 6: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Silvana wrote: "Advisors Alliance is in Netflix, right?
I have your book in my wishlist already ^^"

I saw it on Youtube.

message 7: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Anna wrote: "Alice, can you please edit your comment and remove all mentions of your own work, thanks! It's against the group's rules to mention your own books outside of the Authors' folder."

Oops, sorry about that. I've edited my comment.

message 8: by Tamara (last edited Apr 16, 2024 04:39PM) (new)

Tamara | 256 comments My favourite 'xianxia' (although people say it's more correctly 'xuanhuan', or something like that) is Love Between Fairy and Devil/Cang Lan Jue. Possibly best translation is on Viki, not Netflix. It's massively popular - broke records and all when it came out, a year and a half ago. I watched it without knowing this, and loved it. Amazing in a variety of ways.

I haven't found a real 'wuxia' I like. I just don't enjoy the style. Shows that have some wuxia elements in them are fine, if based mainly on xianxia/fantasy or historical (which is often the case). I'm currently watching Wonderland of Love, which is semi-wuxia-based; otherwise historical-war (not actual history, like many), comedy, and romance. I'm watching because I discovered Xu Kai in Sword & Fairy 6, and was impressed.

Some styles I enjoy reading, but not watching, and vice-versa - for example, I mostly don't like science fiction to read, but enjoy SF movies. I've been enjoying the Cradle series by Will Wight, which I realised as I read is very similar to Chinese martial arts stories, as I recognised elements I'd seen in shows. But I just really enjoy his way of doing it, while I haven't loved those things in the TV series I've tried.

Are these the only Chinese series you watch, or do you also watch other styles?

message 9: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Tamara wrote: "My favourite 'xianxia' (although people say it's more correctly 'xuanhuan', or something like that) is Love Between Fairy and Devil/Cang Lan Jue. Possibly best translation is on Viki, not Netflix. ..."

Wuxia, Xianxia and Historical are my favorite genres of cdramas. I absolutely adored Eternal Love (xianxia), The Untamed (blend of wuxia and xianxia) and Novoland: Pearl Eclipse (mix of wuxia and xianxia). A Journey to Love, Word of Honor and Blood of Youth are gripping wuxia series. Nirvana in Fire is an excellent historical/wuxia. Some examples of angsty historical cdramas: The Rebel Princess, Empress of China, Advisors' Alliance, The Long Ballad.

message 10: by M.Lee (new)

M.Lee | 1 comments Have u guys watched Joy of Life? one of the best wuxia/xianxia cdrama. you can also read this one on web.

message 11: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments M.Lee wrote: "Have u guys watched Joy of Life? one of the best wuxia/xianxia cdrama. you can also read this one on web."

When the lst season was airing on TV, I watched a few episodes but didn't continue with it.

message 12: by Ambereyes (new)

Ambereyes | 68 comments Alice wrote: "Does anyone here watch Wuxia and Xianxia cdramas? Lately I've become a huge fan of such dramas!
The most recent wuxia cdrama that I watched and absolutely adored is A Journey to Love. It has a thri..."

I watch them, but I have slightly different preferences. I like The Long Ballad, The Sound of the Desert, Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy (and Novoland Pearl Eclipse too) and Fox in the Screen.

I also like to watch old Chinese historical series about the relationship between the Han Chinese and the northern nomadic tribes.

message 13: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Has anyone watched the new adaptation of Jin Yong's Legend of Condor Heroes?

message 14: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Ambereyes wrote: "Alice wrote: "Does anyone here watch Wuxia and Xianxia cdramas? Lately I've become a huge fan of such dramas!
The most recent wuxia cdrama that I watched and absolutely adored is A Journey to Love...."

Oh, re: relationship between Han Chinese and northern nomadic tribes, I'd highly recommend Legend of Xiao Chuo (Xiao Chuo was an empress dowager of the Khitan Liao dynasty who was deeply in love with a Han Chinese court official).

My most recent obsession is The Double (an angsty drama about revenge!)

message 15: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Silvana wrote: "Has anyone watched the new adaptation of Jin Yong's Legend of Condor Heroes?"

I'm about two-thirds into it ("Hot Blooded", which is Part 1 of the whole series) and loving it. It's generally very close to the novel and is emotion evocative with in-depth characterization. I like the casting a lot: those who play Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Eastern Heretic and Western Venom are all very good choices.

message 16: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang and Zhou Yiwei) helped alot. Lots of eye candies, including the Guo Jing actor, Ci Sha, who I really like.

Lots of people do complain about the fast pace and shortening since they are used to the 50-60 episode adaptations. What do you think, Alice?

message 17: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Silvana wrote: "Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang and Zhou Yiwei) ..."

I actually like the faster pace. Maybe it's because I'm so familiar already with the story. Those who are new to it may find it hard to remember who's who and some parts confusing.

message 18: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Alice wrote: "Silvana wrote: "Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang ..."

Yeap, which makes me think the drama was more suitable for those who are familiar with the story like us. But I do like the way they integrate the past events. In fact, the whole thing could be just 24 episodes.

Cannot wait for the next four arcs.

message 19: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Alice wrote: "Ambereyes wrote: "Alice wrote: "Does anyone here watch Wuxia and Xianxia cdramas? Lately I've become a huge fan of such dramas!
The most recent wuxia cdrama that I watched and absolutely adored is ..."

The Double is in Netflix too now. I am still hesitant in watching it....but most cause I don't like long dramas LOL

message 20: by Ambereyes (new)

Ambereyes | 68 comments Silvana wrote: "Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang and Zhou Yiwei) ..."

I was hesitant too at first. But the younger casts turned out to be just as good as the older ones.

Alice wrote: "My most recent obsession is The Double (an angsty drama about revenge!)"

Is it about a girl who died and was reborn? It's a good dorama, but a bit like The Princess Weiyoung.

Alice wrote: "Oh, re: relationship between Han Chinese and northern nomadic tribes, I'd highly recommend Legend of Xiao Chuo (Xiao Chuo was an empress dowager of the Khitan Liao dynasty who was deeply in love with a Han Chinese court official)"

I've seen this series before. And even the old series called Young Warriors of the Yang Clan. That was a real antique!

message 21: by Silvana (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments Ambereyes wrote: "Silvana wrote: "Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang ..."

is princess weiyoung recommended? mind you i have little tolerance of drama with lots of fillers, silly characters or too much angst.

message 22: by Alice (new)

Alice Poon (alice_poon) | 15 comments Ambereyes wrote: "Silvana wrote: "Yeah I enjoyed it too. I was a bit hesitant with the younger casts for the Four Greats but at the end I enjoyed their acting and of course two of them being super hot (Gao Weiguang ..."

Re: The Double. The girl is not reborn, but rather, takes on a good friend's (who dies an unjust death) identity to carry out revenge both for the friend and herself (she suffers gross injustice too).

message 23: by Silvana (last edited Jul 19, 2024 10:36AM) (new)

Silvana (silvaubrey) | 2698 comments I am currently watching Dashing Youth, the Blood of Youth prequel. Usually not my cup of tea but I am curious about one of the idols starring in the drama. Looking at how they fight, it seems that it is a xuanhuan drama, isn't it?

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