The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Vanishing Half
This topic is about The Vanishing Half
April 2024 - Literary Fiction > The Vanishing Half - Active Rreading Discussion

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
This area is for discussion about the April 2024 book selection, The Vanishing Half, while we are reading it.

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Started. Was a bit slow for me....used to thrillers of mysteries, but getting into it now!

David Hesson | 6 comments I have finished and enjoyed it much more then I expected. I really enjoyed how the absence of a character had such an impact on the other characters.

Kristen Fort | 48 comments I started! My first chapter thoughts: Nothing like a small town and small town gossip. I'm sure more of that is coming. Mallard is its own world. Intrigued by the character of Early Jones already - so I'm interested in his backstory, if there will be more of that than his first meeting with Desiree delivering groceries.

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Was finally able to start this today, and I'm really enjoying it so far! I can definitely relate to all the emotions with Desiree and Stella, being a twin as well.

Kristen Fort | 48 comments Into part 2, when we see Jude going off to college and she's recalling her Mallard schooldays and D.C. My heart breaks for her.

Esther (eshchory) | 53 comments I enjoyed ths while I was reading it and liked the characters and their interactions but afterwards it just didn't stimulate the kind of internal dialogue or mulling of the issues that I would have expected.

Kristen Fort | 48 comments On p. 297, will likely finish and post my review this weekend.

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
I have finished.....just letting my review percolate in my head for a few days. I did enjoy it.

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments I finished today, as well. While it had its good moments, I ended up a bit disappointed, so I went with 3☆. A lot of too easy coincidences and unbelievable character decisions, numerous time jumping moments within the chapters, the author trying to cover way too many topics, and that ending. Really? So bummed.

message 11: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments I enjoyed the book and gave it 5 stars. I liked the characters and the writer’s style. I hoped for a magical ending but I expected it to end the way it ended.

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