Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion


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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

Welcome one and all! This is a space to chat with people and prepare for the Games to come.

Note: This is NOT the place to ask questions about the game. This is purely a social hangout. Questions about the game should be asked in the Captains group by the Captains and Co-Captains.

message 2: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Apr 25, 2024 11:11AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

To see if you signed up and how many books you've signed up for.

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod

message 4: by Melindam (last edited Apr 14, 2024 10:00AM) (new)

Melindam | 6529 comments Oh, what a lovely Campsite! Would love to be there actually, right now. :)

message 5: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5301 comments Mod
I know! The photo search made me feel jealous!

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 178 comments whoop whoop, how fun! 📚🔖🌶️🎈🏕️🚙

message 7: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments Helloooooooo we ready!!!

message 8: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments I haven't been camping in ages! Now, I want to have someone bring me campfire coffee in my tent when the sun is just coming up...

message 9: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments I have a bag of marshmallows, I'm set! 😁

message 10: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 1257 comments HELLLOOOO!!! I'm stooooked.

message 11: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 4171 comments I loved camping as a kid. We cooked everything by fun! Look forward to the games to come!

message 12: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Ashley wrote: "HELLLOOOO!!! I'm stooooked."

So, out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of "stooked"


stook (stuːk)
(Agriculture) a number of sheaves set upright in a field to dry with their heads together
(Agriculture) (tr) to set up (sheaves) in stooks

Stook a heap or bundle; a truss of flax or of sheaves of grain, 1530. See also cock.

I stopped reading at "See also cock."

message 13: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments 😂😂😂

message 14: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments I have a glorious mental picture of certain parts of the male anatomy stood upright in bunches in a field now 🤣

message 15: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments "Set upright to dry with their heads together"?

message 16: by Laurie B (new)

Laurie B | 927 comments Looks like I walked in at an awkward moment...😅

message 17: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5301 comments Mod
Jenny wrote: ""Set upright to dry with their heads together"?"


message 18: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Yep, sorry. I am avoiding chores by trying to stir up some trouble.

I'll behave.

And I blame Sammy. All I did was provide a definition of a word that few of us knew. Education is so important after all.

message 19: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments It's ok, I'm used to getting the blame. (even though it's usually your fault 😜)

message 20: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5301 comments Mod
Just no pictures please! All ages group and all that.

message 21: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6529 comments "Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." (Terry Pratchett)

message 22: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (mvalente89) | 955 comments Looking forward to this one!

message 23: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 1257 comments Jenny wrote: "Ashley wrote: "HELLLOOOO!!! I'm stooooked."

So, out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of "stooked"


stook (stuːk)
(Agriculture) a number of sheaves set upright in a field to dry w..."

I'm cackling...

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 178 comments Jenny wrote: "Ashley wrote: "HELLLOOOO!!! I'm stooooked."

So, out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of "stooked"


stook (stuːk)
(Agriculture) a number of sheaves set upright in a field to dry w..."


message 25: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments Melindam wrote: ""Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." (Terry Pratchett)"

Fields full of "members" and questionable diseases. What kind of challenge is this? teehee

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 178 comments Jenny wrote: "Melindam wrote: ""Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." (Terry Pratchett)"

Fields fu..."


message 27: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 4171 comments Jenny wrote: "Melindam wrote: ""Getting an education was a bit like a communicable sexual disease. It made you unsuitable for a lot of jobs and then you had the urge to pass it on." (Terry Pratchett)"

Fields fu..."

🤣😂It's a challenge where just about anything, or anyone for that matter goes! I'm sure...well almost sure...let's have some fun everyone!

message 28: by Shelby (new)

Shelby (stang_lee) | 1801 comments The places brains in this group devolve too....

message 29: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments Shelby wrote: "The places brains in this group devolve too...."

Oh, there is no devolving of any kind. It's our natural state. 😆

message 30: by Kaley (new)

Kaley (kaleyamo) | 1860 comments Oooo this one sounds so interesting! What fun timing as I have been rewatching some of The Hunger Games movies this week too . . . I’m ready!!!!! (I think. Haha.)

message 31: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments I just realized - "Remember that you can collect your participation points from previous BOM (from January 2024) for an extra entry in the randomiser," (from the All About thread) - is this a typo or have BOM tokens been reset?

message 32: by Lauri (new)

Lauri (otwlauri) | 1672 comments This sounds really - ahem - interesting! I have never actually been camping, but I do enjoy The Hunger Games immensely. Just need to get those stooks out of my mind!

message 33: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5301 comments Mod
Christina wrote: "I just realized - "Remember that you can collect your participation points from previous BOM (from January 2024) for an extra entry in the randomiser," (from the All About thread) - is this a typo ..."

From further on in the paragraph: Participation points from previous BOM that are already on the spreadsheet can be used.

I.e. if you've claimed them from last year then they are good to use, but we aren't accepting people going back to claim a lot now.

message 34: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments ohhhh now it makes sense, I was so confused haha. thanks for clearing that up Sophie :)

message 35: by Maritza (new)

Maritza (spanishwhispers) | 2142 comments I was about to watch The Hunger Games movies this weekend. Now I have to try and do that before the end of the month.
I would like a fan for my tent please.

message 36: by Lexi (last edited Apr 15, 2024 08:11AM) (new)

Lexi | 3943 comments As someone who recently spent a month sleeping at night in a tent with days getting to 42 C, may I suggest that a tiny USB fan is my new favorite thing.

message 37: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11106 comments As we just had hail and snow today, I'd prefer a heater please 😆

message 38: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 2754 comments omg we just had hail too and we barely ever do!

... and I'm really not a fan of camping I'M SORRY

message 39: by Vicki (new)

Vicki (goodreadscomboobooper49) | 2093 comments I was wondering if anyone knows if this is the Tower Teams Challenge or a brand new challenge replacing TT since it usually starts mid-May. I don't know what to call my shelf. What are others doing for their shelf? What confused me is it said we could use a pre-existing shelf. Like what? lol

message 40: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7569 comments This is not a TT challenge from what I gather. And, I assume that you have a shelf called "crazy-book-people" or something just waiting for the right circumstance, yes?

I don't honestly remember what I said I was going to name my shelf, as it has been a few days, and my brain has moved on. "book-games" or something, maybe?

message 41: by Vicki (new)

Vicki (goodreadscomboobooper49) | 2093 comments Jenny wrote: "This is not a TT challenge from what I gather. And, I assume that you have a shelf called "crazy-book-people" or something just waiting for the right circumstance, yes?

I don't honestly remember w..."

No, I don't have a shelf like that but I can create one. lol Thanks, Jenny. :)

message 42: by Laurie B (new)

Laurie B | 927 comments Vicki wrote: "I was wondering if anyone knows if this is the Tower Teams Challenge or a brand new challenge replacing TT since it usually starts mid-May. I don't know what to call my shelf. What are others doing..."

I was wondering that myself. It sounds a lot like TT, but not called TT. My previous shelves were all "nbrc-tt-" and then the number. For this one, I just did "nbrc-book-games."

message 43: by Jhmingos (new)

Jhmingos | 589 comments Normally I like to take a long break between my team challenges, but I couldn't resist. This is giving me Hunger Game vibes and I just started reading the series.

message 44: by Vicki (new)

Vicki (goodreadscomboobooper49) | 2093 comments Laurie, thanks. :)

Saar The Book owl | 631 comments Oh, I'm looking forward to this :)

message 46: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5301 comments Mod
We've gone for something different this year, so this isn't a TT, which will come back. A lot of the shelves are variations on book games.

message 47: by Melindam (last edited Apr 16, 2024 02:57AM) (new)

Melindam | 6529 comments How do we feel about cocktails at the campfire?*

This ARC approval came too late for UNO. Although it sounds more like Thirst Games than Hunger Games, it still seems a nice fit. 😊

The Cocktail Parlor How Women Brought the Cocktail Home by Nicola Nice

The Cocktail Parlor: How Women Brought the Cocktail Home


*this was a rhetorical Q, I am just happy about my book. 😊

message 48: by Laurie B (new)

Laurie B | 927 comments Melindam wrote: "*this was a rhetorical Q, I am just happy about my book. 😊"

Tee-hee. Happy ARC approval! :)

message 49: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 6529 comments Thank you. 😊

Cris (The Biblio Blonde) (thebiblioblonde) | 281 comments Well... without further commentary on our linguistics lesson above... hello book friends!! :)

I was thinking I was ready for a break after Uno, but best laid plans and all that.

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