Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

NBRC Gem Coin Display > Melanie's Gem Collection

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message 1: by Melanie (last edited Jun 02, 2024 02:27AM) (new)

Melanie | 14 comments description

Ruby Coins: 2
Spessartite Coins: 0
Citrine Coins: 0
Emerald Coins: 1
Sapphire Coins: 0
Amethyst Coins: 0
Tourmaline Coins: 0
Onyx Coins: 0
Diamond Coins: 0

message 3: by Melanie (last edited Jun 02, 2024 02:27AM) (new)

Melanie | 14 comments New 2U Authors Challenge 2024.
Post 70 - 1 January to 31 May (with backdated books) - Completion post (1 x Emerald.)
Post 78 - 2 June to


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