Goodreads Librarians Group discussion

Book Cover Help > Please update cover

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message 1: by Abigail (new)

Abigail Hunter | 47 comments Hi,

Could you please update the book cover so it matches the one on Amazon?

Book Listing:

Book on Amazon:

Thank you!

message 2: by Martin (new)

Martin | 23050 comments We do not update covers for existing books. You can add an alternate cover edition for the new one.

message 3: by Abigail (new)

Abigail Hunter | 47 comments Hi, thanks so much for your reply.

I've had other librarians do it for me in the past, so I'm a bit confused by your reply.

This is from March 11th:

message 4: by Martin (new)

Martin | 23050 comments That was a case of updating from a placeholder image, we can do that.
We don't change covers for existing books.

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