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Contemporary romance > Which one of this is the most not-spicy book

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mIssssss_aNdreea | 1 comments Sooo we got ‘Bloodmarked’, ‘Paper Princess’ and ‘Divine Rivals’

message 2: by Maya (new)

Maya | 27 comments paper princes is spicy

message 3: by Maya (new)

Maya | 27 comments mb

message 4: by Maya (new)

Maya | 27 comments sooo

message 5: by Maya (new)

Maya | 27 comments try clasic books

message 6: by Mabel (new)

Mabel | 3 comments Please consider reading my first book - The Charm: A Second Chance at Love by Mabel Havlin. The Kindle Unlimited version is only 148 pages.

Thank you

message 7: by ʚ tablo ɞ (new)

ʚ tablo ɞ | 7 comments i’ve only read divine rivals and i wouldn’t say it had any spice from what i recall. there was only one short scene, which wasn’t explicit in my opinion.

message 8: by hazel (new)

hazel (taylor’s version)🎀💗 | 100 comments divine rivals has a very vague fade to black scene and that’s all

message 9: by Mim (new)

Mim | 5 comments I recommend divine rivals, not really spicy and so good story 😍

message 10: by maz 💌 (new)

maz 💌 | 1 comments the seven year slip it has two really short scenes

message 11: by ESME (new)

ESME RALDA | 6 comments Any of the old mills & boons books by Betty Neels....absolutely zero spice

message 12: by ♡Mayella♡ (new)

♡Mayella♡ | 2 comments better than the movies an all lyn painter young adult books

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