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message 1: by SundayAtDusk (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments Can't help, but what type of books are in the New Adult genre? I've never heard of or seen that genre listed.

message 2: by AJ (new)

AJ (buriedinbookz) | 1 comments SundayAtDusk wrote: "Can't help, but what type of books are in the New Adult genre? I've never heard of or seen that genre listed."

It's OK! Happy to inform :)

Here's the NetGalley category link:

The term was introduced in 2009 to describe audiences that seek an adult, second "coming of age" story. Think college age or recent graduates, 18-25 (ish.. there's debate about it extending up to 29, but the principle remains the same). It had a surge of popularity in the early 2010s, but publishers thought it was too risky of a trend and it receded to the self-publishing corners of the world... until quarantine happened in the 2020s and former YA readers began looking for something more mature. The term was repopularized, particularly by the book community of TikTok ("BookTok"), and it's been attributed to many bestsellers such as Colleen Hoover, Rebecca Yarros, etc.

A lot of current adult romance or YA books should have the New Adult (NA) label, but it doesn't because publishers didn't think it would sell well... which led to many NA books being forced into YA/Adult genres and selling well from those genres instead.

message 3: by SundayAtDusk (new)

SundayAtDusk | 85 comments Thanks for the information!

message 4: by Teresa (new)

Teresa | 13 comments Hi! Hope I'm posting this in the right area.
Could someone help with this. I've been offered an ARC but I know I won't have it read before publication day because it's coming up quite soon and I have three to read already. Is it alright to refuse it, do I ignore the offer (which seems rude) or is there another alternative?

message 5: by Sherri (new)

Sherri Bryant (sherribryant) | 98 comments Teresa wrote: "Hi! Hope I'm posting this in the right area.
Could someone help with this. I've been offered an ARC but I know I won't have it read before publication day because it's coming up quite soon and I ha..."

It's really up to you. You could accept it and read it ahead of the others, which might put the others late, refuse it or ignore it. I've done all three. I also have books that have been waiting to be read and reviewed for a long time because life gets in the way sometimes and we fall behind. My thought is that the publisher would like it reviewed if you accept it, even if it's after the publishing date.

Bottom line for me, is if you know you can't review it, whatever the reason, don't request or accept an ARC. Hope that helps. :-)

message 6: by Teresa (new)

Teresa | 13 comments That's great Sherri and thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes life certainly gets in the way at times!!

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