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★ recommendations ★ > Dark fantasy

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Visha (Kaz+Inej) | 1 comments Any dark fantasy romance novels? I’ve never really read one but want to try!

message 2: by Kaylee (new)

Kaylee Smith | 1 comments So it’s classified as dark romance it’s not extremely dark but I just finished the 3rd book there’s supposed to be 5-6 books in this series. I definitely recommend To Bleed A Crystal Bloom and the 2 books to follow. It’s a dark repunzel type of retelling. Very good!

message 3: by Kadu (new)

Kadu (therealkadu) | 6 comments Best served cold.. I find GrimDark lovers more realistic these days.. And you’ll have quite the journey before you read BSC so the romance between the two characters will feel even grimmer and darker. :)

message 4: by Ember (new)

Ember | 5 comments Six of crows

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