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Contemporary romance > Mafia Recs??!

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message 1: by Tanmai (new)

Tanmai (tanmaipaliwal) | 73 comments I have read all the famous ones so if you know any other than sinners anonymous, filthy marcello series, any cora reilly book, dark verse, the made series, the fallen series,
please drop your recs!

message 2: by Kuls Reads (new)

Kuls Reads (kuls) | 11 comments Any Means Necessary by Lila Herron

message 3: by Nellie (new)

Nellie | 59 comments Brutal prince by Sophie Lark

message 4: by Sandra ꨄ︎ (new)

Sandra ꨄ︎ | 10 comments Brutal Birthright series by Sophie Lark

message 5: by Chiara^•^ (new)

Chiara^•^ (chiarabookfic) | 99 comments Sinners, The Saints, Corrupted Royals series by Michelle Heard
Perfectly Imperfect series by Neva Altaj
Queens and Monsters series by JT Geissinger

message 6: by readswithlizzy (new)

readswithlizzy | 2 comments when she unravels book 1 - gabrielle sands

message 7: by Nina (new)

Nina | 3 comments Legacy of Gods by Rina Kent

message 8: by Tanmai (new)

Tanmai (tanmaipaliwal) | 73 comments thank you everyone!!!

Soft Nectarine ~ | 95 comments -Zoe Blake's Sweet Obsession series (dark mafia romance but read the tw)
-Hans or Dom from the Alliance series by S.J.Tilly (plus size dark mafia romance)
-Any book by Rina Kent

⋆。‧˚Zaera⋆。‧˚ | 6 comments 'The Kiss Thief' by L. J Shen is light on the mafia/cartel aspect but there is also 'Corrupted Kingdom' by Lili St. Germain which centres itself around the Mafia/Cartel.

message 12: by dear reader (new)

dear reader | 1 comments ruthless people by jj mcavoy

message 13: by Talesreads (new)

Talesreads | 51 comments Bratva prince by T.J. Maguire

message 14: by Lucy (new)

Lucy | 1 comments Ruthless King (Mount Trilogy) by Meghan March is one of my favorites! Mafia romance, dark, and spicy! Check TWs

message 15: by Alds ♡ (new)

Alds ♡ (aldsinwonderland) | 138 comments ruthless people series by JJ McAvoy! the first book won't really pique your interest that much, but the rest of the books are so soo good!! it's so action-packed and exciting

sahar (warner's version) (shebookmarks) | 55 comments the perfectly imperfect series by neva altaj

mahi (taylor's version)  | 28 comments Legacy of Gods by Rina Kent
Dark Verse by Runyx (you'll never regret reading this, trust me)

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