EVERYONE Has Read This but Me - The Catch-Up Book Club discussion


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message 1: by Renata (new)

Renata (renatag) | 1249 comments Mod
This begins a group discussion of our Modern book selection, The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, nominated by Nicole.
Here you can comment, without spoilers, on any aspects of the book, either before, during, or after reading it.

message 2: by Jan (last edited Jun 03, 2024 07:27AM) (new)

Jan Z (jrgreads) | 288 comments I have four library holds on this: regular print (#628 in line), large print (#204), CD (#15 - best shot), and digital audio (#433). I am not at all sure if I will get a copy in time. Even with the CD, the patron can keep it for four weeks. I really wish there would be an minimum age of books for condideration for voting. I know we voted on in somewhat recently.

message 3: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 1 comments I tried reading the first chapter. I was so confused. I want to get into it, but it was not sticking. Will try again tonight.

message 4: by JJoyce (new)

JJoyce Yu | 1 comments I definitely had to read this twice. I hosted a book club and decided to make a summary, and while preparing the summary I re read a third time and realized how much I had missed!! I’d say the author created exceptionally live like characters and lived in worlds but it was almost too much so and difficult to follow who’s who and who did what at any given point.

message 5: by Akankshya (new)

Akankshya (somewhatapotato) | 1 comments I did not like this book, it's so hard to read. I saw someone compare the writing to jazz, I guess you have to be very patient to to read it.

message 6: by Kim (new)

Kim WV | 147 comments Hmm. I read a sample on Libby and was intrigued. Picking up at the library tomorrow. I’ve never read his work before but hear great things.

message 7: by Jan (new)

Jan Z (jrgreads) | 288 comments Akankshya wrote: "I did not like this book, it's so hard to read. I saw someone compare the writing to jazz, I guess you have to be very patient to to read it."

I get the jazz comparison. Interesting, but at times it seems to be improvised and not following what went before. I know writing a book is improvised as it is new but sometimes it does not seem to flow from what came before or after.

message 8: by Christy (new)

Christy Baker | 34 comments I'm almost halfway through the book and am still often feeling like the storyline feels scattered to me. I am listening on audiobook and several times have had to go back and re-listen to a section as the jumps from character and storyline to other characters and storylines seem disjointed. It doesn't feel like a cohesive story to me, despite all of the characters interacting and living in the same town.

I'll finish the book, but so far can't say I'm enjoying it much.

message 9: by Jan (new)

Jan Z (jrgreads) | 288 comments Christy wrote: "I'm almost halfway through the book and am still often feeling like the storyline feels scattered to me. I am listening on audiobook and several times have had to go back and re-listen to a section..."

I feel the same way. I am also listening to it and just slightly over half way. Perhaps this book is best read on paper where it is easier to flip back. It would definitely help to have a cast of characters and family trees with timelines.

message 10: by spoko (new)

spoko (spokospoko) | 362 comments Mod
Jan wrote: “It would definitely help to have a cast of characters and family trees with timelines.”

As I was reading, I kind of felt like the not-knowing was sort of the point—there are a lot of threaded narratives, and they’re supposed to braid together into the whole of the community. So fair enough, I thought. But by the end it was too much for me even to accept that.

message 11: by Taz (new)

Taz | 130 comments I finally received my library loan and I agree. The narrative feels like a collection of short stories. More so, it feels like the narrative often does not complete a thought until several unrelated characters are discussed. It skips around a lot.

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EVERYONE Has Read This but Me - The Catch-Up...

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