Space Opera Fans discussion

A Star on the Horizon: Science fiction, Space Opera, adventure and survival
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Self-Promotion > Science Fiction and Survival - A Star on the Horizon

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message 1: by B. (last edited May 02, 2024 04:44PM) (new)

B. Barceló (bbordoy) | 1 comments Hello, everyone,

If you allow me, I would like to present A Star on the Horizon, my new science fiction novel.
It is a science fiction and survival adventure in space.
I present here a brief summary of the book:
Year 7,147 of the Galactic Government.
Akion Tiles, 23 years old, dreams of owning his own ship, sailing through space and living hundreds of adventures. Akion dreams of impossible things.
Or so he thought before an unexpected opportunity crossed his path: a job offer to become a pilot of an experimental ship created by the prestigious Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Mendran.
Are you ready to accompany Akion on his dizzying journey of self-discovery and improvement?

If you want to know more, you can visit the book's page on Amazon, where you can read the first three chapters and judge if you find it interesting or if it is for you.

Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy my new novel.

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