The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

Team Challenge: UNO 2024 > UNO 2024 Winners

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message 1: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited May 03, 2024 10:26PM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments description


To all our wonderful members who played UNO this year.

The winners are ...

Team Bonnie's Gunpowder Punch


Team Members:
Sara Hollingsworth- Captain
Christina - Co-Captain
Susan A

Please join us in congratulating them and we hope to see you in 2025!

message 2: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 3791 comments Congratulations! 🤩🍾🥳

Lisa - (Aussie Girl) | 1442 comments Well done... and thanks to the Mods and all the Captains for their sterling efforts.

See ya in 2025!

message 4: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 4717 comments Congrats!! :-)

Gem ~ZeroShelfControl~ (zeroshelfcontrol) | 487 comments Congrats winner. Another excellent round, thank you as always to the mods!!

message 6: by Insiyah (new)

Insiyah (insiyahxo) | 439 comments Congratulations!

message 7: by Jill (new)

Jill (jilljorox) | 55 comments Congrats!!

message 8: by Lisa (new)

Lisa | 232 comments Congratulations! Thank you also to the mods for this fun reading competition - I know it is a lot of work and it is appreciated!

bookswithpaulette | 1345 comments Congratulations! UNO 2024 is a wrap, thanks to the amazing Mods that come up with fresh themes and mini challenges each year ......

The amazing caps that head up the teams and keep us all organised, all our team mates. Thanks for all those extra books that have made their way onto my TBR? 🤔 I think 🤣

Until next year....

message 10: by ✿~Danielle~✿ (new)

✿~Danielle~✿ (dmh1) | 1646 comments Congratulations!

message 11: by Christina (new)

Christina (chrissy__) | 1221 comments Woohoo let's gooooooooo Bonnie!!!

Thx mods for another wonderful year of UNO! Already can't wait for next year and whatever fun theme it'll be :)

message 12: by Dawn (new)

Dawn | 266 comments Congratulations!! see you in 2025 :)

message 13: by Alla (new)

Alla (allaskarp) | 364 comments Congratulations to the winners!! Thank you all for a great challenge, always fun doing it! See you in 2025 :D

message 14: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Congratulations Team Bonnie!
Thank you to our Mods for another fun time reading for UNO!

message 15: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 2036 comments Congratulation Team Bonnie, and all the other teams too!

and thanks again to the wonderful Mods :)

message 16: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (carriele1216) | 405 comments Congratulations Team Bonnie on a job well done! Thanks to the mods for a great challenge that was a ton of fun!

Teddie, drinker of the bitter invention of Satan (teddieg) | 866 comments Way to go Team Bonnie!

And CHEERS to the amazing Mods for putting on another great round of UNO - and providing so many new cocktails to sample :)

message 18: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 2198 comments Congrats to team Bonnie!

Thanks mods for a fun time. Again.
I do want to know how many people actually gave their team's drink a try. I do recommend the suffering bastard. It was nummy.

message 19: by Melindam (new)

Melindam | 3791 comments

message 20: by Helke (new)

Helke (mogelpackung) | 1284 comments Congrats to the winning team. Thanks to the mods for a lovely challenge.

message 21: by Zoë (new)

Zoë (zeeohee) | 522 comments Way to read!!! See you next year and thank you to everyone for another fun UNO year!! 🥰

message 22: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Osting | 87 comments Congratulations Team Bonnie! Thank you to all who worked on the challenge. It was fun!

message 23: by Sara (new)

Sara Hollingsworth | 572 comments Woot! Go Team Bonnie!

Thanks Mods again for another fantastic year of UNO. I'm already looking forward to next year's game.

message 24: by Alyana (new)

Alyana  | 527 comments Congratulations! 🥳🤗🎉

message 25: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2609 comments Congratulations Team Bonnie :)

message 26: by Annalisa (new)

Annalisa | 1520 comments Congratulations team Bonnie!

Thank you mods for another great year of Uno!

message 27: by Karen ⊰✿, Avaricious Reader (new)

Karen ⊰✿ | 3589 comments Congrats Team Bonnie! I'll need to look up that cocktail now and give it a go 🎀

message 28: by Angie ☯ (new)

Angie ☯ | 923 comments Congratulations!!

message 29: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Basile (ahunsicker) | 740 comments Congrats!!!

message 30: by Laura (new)

Laura | 2719 comments Congratulations!

message 31: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1315 comments Congratulations!

message 32: by Kayt (new)

Kayt (kaytm) | 125 comments YAY! Big thank you to all the team captains and mods who hold our hands through this every year.

message 33: by Andrea (new)

Andrea (dreakay) | 164 comments Congrats team Bonnie! Thanks everyone who put in all the hard work for another great year of UNO!

message 34: by Janeylou (new)

Janeylou | 1113 comments Well done Team Bonnie
And thanks once again to mods for another great challenge 👍

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