Addicted to YA discussion

Miscellaneous > Guys who read???

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⋆✧Maddie ✧⋆ | 10 comments What's your opinion on guys who read, I wanna know??

message 2: by ari ❦ (new)

ari ❦ | 7 comments GODSENT

message 3: by Taylor (new)

Taylor | 2 comments They are the best. I feel like they really understand me.

message 4: by laura (new)

laura (asher carson's version) (laucsi) | 1 comments chefs kiss

message 5: by terra (new)

terra | 33 comments It depends on which genre he prefers. If he's into romance and fiction, then he can be my kenji kishimoto cause I don't know I view guys who read those genres to be a great best friend material(for me). BUT when it comes to guys who read depressing stuff like Russian literature or any classics in general!? I'M ALL IN BABY. WHEN'S THE MARRIAGE????

☆° alimxx °☆ | 3 comments are they even real

message 7: by Katsuki (new)

Katsuki -Yagi Family Friend- | 32 comments Honestly if I found a guy who actually liked reading I'd probably propose right there.

message 8: by Romina (new)

Romina Elizabeth   (eliz09) | 101 comments ...isn't there, like, a lot of men who read? if we're talking about YA, then yeah there are not a lot, but they do exist lol

message 9: by Katsuki (new)

Katsuki -Yagi Family Friend- | 32 comments Romina wrote: "...isn't there, like, a lot of men who read? if we're talking about YA, then yeah there are not a lot, but they do exist lol"

I meant YA specifically lol

message 10: by Eli (new)

Eli | 8 comments im a guy who reads

bella ♡ ♡ (semi-hiatus) (bellaesquivi) | 27 comments AJDJJFNFNEJDK. i literally need a “classics” guy to match my “fantasy” self. please God it’s all i ask 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Isha ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ | 77 comments i’d literally fold for a guy who reads as long as it’s not alpha male shit

✨ Asha (semi-hiatus bc school sucks) (ashaslays) | 18 comments Katsuki wrote: "Honestly if I found a guy who actually liked reading I'd probably propose right there."


message 14: by Kendall⸆⸉ (new)

Kendall⸆⸉ Wyatt | 10 comments I love guys who read. The proposal better be book themed

message 15: by Fabitha (new)

Fabitha (fabitha89) | 75 comments Not me still recommending books to my ex boyfriend (now best friend) just to see him mad because he spots all the plot holes not even I see lol The Locked Tomb had him throw a fit for the ages, ladies.

message 16: by Fabitha (new)

Fabitha (fabitha89) | 75 comments But he really liked Scholomance, so it's ok.

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 39 comments I love guys who read,
but it's even better when they buy you a book, like, sir, I'm snatching your last name!

message 18: by Pine➶ (new)

Pine➶  | 5 comments Biker guys

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 39 comments Pine➶ wrote: "Biker guys"

:) :) :)

⤹ aerona ˚˖♬୭  (dam_demigodishness) | 8 comments you all are HILARIOUS- I cant. but u all are so right

trin (semi hiatus for the summer) (trinitymarchetti) | 39 comments : ̗̀➛ shreya ! wrote: "you all are HILARIOUS- I cant. but u all are so right"

haha, yesss

message 22: by Shivansh Pundir (new)

Shivansh Pundir | 27 comments I love reading fantasy and sci-fi novels.
I also love watching anime and reading manga

message 23: by Samantha (new)

Samantha | 123 comments I love guys who read! I'd love to know more actually I feel like I actually don't know many 😅

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