The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

Characters Threads > Owl's Loafs (Comments Allowed)

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message 1: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited May 16, 2024 06:46AM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments Wren Ari Waters

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message 2: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited May 16, 2024 06:46AM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments Nami

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message 3: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited May 08, 2024 09:45PM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments ((Currently in-progress))

Lucifer Harlow

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message 4: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited May 31, 2024 04:32AM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments ((Currently in-progress))

Cassandra Vicky Flowright

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message 5: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited May 15, 2024 09:13PM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments Spirit Zmiana

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message 6: by Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- (last edited Aug 30, 2024 05:15AM) (new)

Louis is a loaf of bread -Dori's Lover- -Semi-hiatus bc school - | 281 comments WIP LIBRARIAN

"The eyes are the key to the soul"

General Information

Name: River Harriet Kennedy
Nickname(s): Riv, Harri
Age: 27
Gender at Birth: Female
Current Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: any (mostly uses they/them)
Country of Origin: Berlin (The North Part)
Date of Birth: September 6th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Birth Flower: asters and morning glories
Sexuality: Demi Pansexual


Appearance: Sexy Woman Short Hair Image & Photo (Free Trial) | Bigstock
Skin Color: naturally tan skin
Hair Color: light brown hair with blonde highlights
Eye Color: Heterochromia with the left being lilac and the right being gray
Height: 5'2
Weight: 98lb
Distinguishing Marks (scars, tattoos, piercings, etc.):


Health Status (are they healthy? Or do they have health problems? This could be anything from chronic ailments to disabillities, etc.): They have health problems, they have Cerebellar Hypoplasia.
Mental Health: They have autism and major depression
Allergies: They are allergic to cotton & dogs (only if they bite them)


Personality: River is a friendly, hardworking person. They are always spinning and bouncing, and is also very hyper. They are a bit insane sometimes, and doesn't have many friends. River has a short attention span, and talks a mile a minute. They enjoy nature and animals. They love grapes, and often acts drunk/plain crazy, even though they dont drink. River can be that "happy", bubbly person who's always smiling, but then in a split second can turn into their true self; the sad, broken, person who nobody pays much attention to. Sometimes, they as sane as any person, but in a split second can be that mad, weird person. But they are used to being that person who no one cares about, who everyone is nice to but secretly thinks they are a psychopathic crazy, the person that no one understands.

Favorite Food: Soup
Favorite Drink: Strawberry Milk
Favorite Color:
Favorite Season:
Favorite Book:
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Ghosts/Ghosts UK (same show, two versions)
Favorite Song:
Favorite Sport:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Hobby:

Least Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Least Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Color:
Least Favorite Season:
Least Favorite Book:
Least Favorite Movie/TV Show: The Conjuring movies
Least Favorite Song:
Least Favorite Sport:
Least Favorite Animal:
Least Favorite Flower:
Least Favorite Hobby:


History (must include how they got into the academy; if there is any mention of sensitive topics (abuse, alcohol, drugs, etc.) please put in spoilers with a trigger warning!):

How they got their power (were they born with them? If not, how did they receive them?):



Significant Other:
Best Friend:

Adoptive Family (if it applies):

Past Relationships:


Power Control:
Book Smarts:
Street Smarts:

Mythical Creature Part:
Powers (3 maximum for students and describe them):

Other Information

Face Claim:
Voice Claim:
Teacher of: Nothing they are a librarian


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