Experiment facility discussion

|EF| > {EF} Entrance

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Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death grumbled he looked at the entrance in distain. he knew he wouldn't be able to be accepted out there.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Itaka walked seeing the new experiment arriving "Hello there you must be the new experiment right?"

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death nodded saying nothing.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
"Good to hear " She said with a grin she led the experiment in the building

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
"I will ask what's your experiment number dear?""

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death sighed followed.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments *•.¸♡ P̊⫶s̊⫶ẙ⫶c̊⫶h̊⫶o̊⫶ K̊⫶i̊⫶l̊⫶l̊⫶e̊⫶r̊⫶ ♡¸.•* wrote: ""I will ask what's your experiment number dear?"""

"13" Death said quietly.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
"13?" right follow me

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death Followed Quietly and swiftly. he seemed like a Human on the surface.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Itaka smiled with a happy expression as she lead the new experiment to the hallway

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Sans walked through the entrance. "Something here seems Bone Chilling." he laughed at his own joke.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Psycho walked by seeing the stranger she looked at him from afar

Milla (Semi-Hiatus: traveling) | 51 comments Kai dragged his feet through the entrance. He lifted his head and saw that he wasn’t the first person there. He turned his head and saw that he certainly wasn’t the last.

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments Amelia walked in, back hunched and looking around in fear. She had volunteered for this, but now she wasn't so sure. There was a boy in front of her--he looked even more reluctant than she felt. She picked up her pace and looked around for someone to guide her.

Milla (Semi-Hiatus: traveling) | 51 comments The girl behind him sped past Kai and didn’t look back. He decided to look straight ahead, and deal with how his future now seemed. Bleak. He started looking for somewhere he should be. Not that the building provided that much information, so he just started to wonder around.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Sans stood a little ways away. he was waiting for someone anyone to talk to him. But he shrugged and walked down the hallway.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Sans walked back out to the entrance and leaned against the wall.

message 19: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Adara formed from thin air, and glanced around excitedly. She had been sent here by her clan, possibly to get rid of her, but she was very interested. She spotted Sans, "Um, hello!"

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "Hello." He smiled walking over.

message 21: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Um, is this the experi- I mean, place I'm supposed to be?" Andara asked, cutting herself off because if it wasn't, then she could have a problem. She narrowed her eyes at Sans. He seemed kind of human-shaped, but she could never tell.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "don't worry i used to work here but my experiment went wrong" sans walked out you could see that he was just a skeleton. "Names sans I'm an experiment here."

message 23: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Oh, cool, this is the right place!" Adara said happily, clapping, "I'm Adara, my people sent me here." She said, unfazed by Sans' state. She held out her hand for him to shake it.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Sans Shook it. "You must have a lot of spine to come here." he smiles "Sorry bad habit."

message 25: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Huh?" Adara said, not getting the joke. She observed him briefly, sizing him up. He was taller than her, but she was kind of short in the first place. "So, are you like, a human or something?" She asked, tilting her head at him, "I can never remember what they look like."

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "I was Until i screwed up my experiment now i'm a monster."

message 27: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Really? You don't look very monster-like to me. You look very human. Do humans have different standards of monster than Storm Spirits? Humans are really weird. I don't get it." Adara said, "Well, actually I was called a monster once, when I was seen by a human with my horns and tail visible. That was weird." Her horns and tail weren't visible at the moment, but she intended to not scare any humans in this new place.

message 28: by Husker~Semi Hiatus~ (last edited May 24, 2024 05:38AM) (new)

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "anything thats not normal they consider it a monster."

message 29: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Cool! I'm a monster then!" Adara said, "So wait, what is this place?" She had been told when she left, but that had been a couple minutes ago and she couldn't remember.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "a lab where they watch and experiment on us."

message 31: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Sounds homey! Could I get a tour? I swear I won't get as lost as I think I will!" Adara says, "My clan said I had to come here because I was, 'A threat to them and everyone around me', but I don't know about that!" She smiled, closing her eyes.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "sure Whats your cell number?"

(You can make one up. One and 13 have been taken.)

message 33: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Um, 7? I think so." Adara told Sans, "Would it be weird if I stopped using my magic to hide my horns and tail or would someone throw something at me?" She asked, lowering her voice slightly.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "No the guy in 13 is half wolf he does about the same thing as you. Hiding it I mean."

(Wouldn't it be funny if they were room mates?)

message 35: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments ((Lol, yeah. I didn't know they could have roommates))

"Cool!" Adara exclaimed, and her dark, sharp horns appeared on her head, pointing backwards. Her tail hung down from her skirt, black with a tuft of fur on the end. Her teeth and pupils sharpened, giving her appearance a bit of a scarier look.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Some can some can't)

Sans Smiled and walked to the hallway. "Those look good on you."

message 37: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Thanks! Most humans just throw things at me when they see me like this. Technically, humans can't see my true form, it's invisible to the human eye, which is really cool!" Adara said, and as she spoke, a streak of electric blue began to appear slowly, and her eyes became dark teal rather than the black abysses they had been before.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments As they passed 13 Sans stopped "This Is Death. No one knows his real name."

Death looked like a human. "Nice horns." he smiled

message 39: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Hello! I'm Adara!" She told him, smiling back, "Thanks! Nice hair." She said, and the electric blue streak reached it's brightest point. "So you're Death? Half... Wait what was it?" She asked, squinting while trying to remember.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death's magic went away and on the top of his head a pair of of ears grew his teeth grew sharp and a wolf tail was visible as well. "part wolf he smiled.

message 41: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Whoa! That's so cool!" Adara said, inhaling to say something, but decided not to, and instead just smiled brighter.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Death Nodded and went back to his book.

"Poor guy has been in a cell since he was a kid" Sans said walking away.

message 43: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Dang. That sounds lonely." Adara said, considering this thoughtfully. "Doesn't he want to go outside?" She asked, catching up with Sans.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "No one accepts him." he stopped at cell Seven "Looks like were roommates"

message 45: by JustRae (last edited May 24, 2024 06:32AM) (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "What? But he's so chill!" Adara said, stopping abruptly behind Sans, "I thought you said you were a scientist, why do you have a room here? Oh, wait that's so cool! Yay! First friend!" She says excitedly.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "I was a Scientist now i'm an experiment."

message 47: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments "Oh, but you're a human, right? Wait, is Death a human? I am very confused on what it means to be a human. I don't get it. Oh, well!" Adara said, moving into the room, "So if I'm number seven, and you're number seven, then how will people know us apart by name?" She asks, tilting her head.

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "okay let me answer your questions." Sans walked in.

message 49: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Adara sat down cross-legged on the floor and stared at Sans, being quiet for the first time since she got here.

message 50: by Husker~Semi Hiatus~ (last edited May 24, 2024 06:48AM) (new)

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments "Death is only half Human. and yes they'll know us by name" he turned and the laser door closed.

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