Experiment facility discussion

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message 2: by Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) (last edited May 10, 2024 05:02AM) (new)

Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) | 81 comments Do we just chose if we want to be scientists or experiments?

message 4: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ditz  | 10 comments Mod
what type of creature can your experiment be?

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments how do I create a experiment?

message 7: by Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) (last edited Aug 06, 2024 07:55AM) (new)

Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) | 81 comments Go to “create experiment” discussion and copy and paste the template and make a character how ever you would like. At least that is how I did it.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments I only saw create scientist. I can't find the other.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments The thread

message 11: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments How does all of this work?

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments have u ever done RP?

message 13: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments No. Not really. Unless you count Duolingo roleplays.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments oh, well, you have to create a character which I still need to do. but since u want to be a scientist u go to scientist creations or something like that. and answer the questions given.

message 15: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments There's a ton of them. Okay. Later.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments I know that's why I copied it to my Email note so I can work on it.

message 17: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments I can't, though.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments why not?

message 19: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments The device I'm currently using for Goodreads doesn't support it.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments ty, but I found it.

☪↬❦《➶➴~✧ Chadwick ✧~➶➴》❦↬☪ | 24 comments Hey do you just make your own cell or just join another?

Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) | 81 comments I made my own

Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) | 81 comments I guess you could join someone’s cell because I think there are roommates. What makes it complicated is that some experiments are “too dangerous”, so they have to have their own cell. So your best bet would to just ask around, and do what you are comfortable with.

Milla (almost out of semi-hiatus) | 81 comments If you want to join a room, mine is available. My character is a male, but he’s gay so it should be fine.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments does every experiment have to have a sell?

☪↬❦《➶➴~✧ Chadwick ✧~➶➴》❦↬☪ | 24 comments cell* and I think so. idk though

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments oh, I have a character, but they don't have a cell yet.

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments so can I just make a thread even though I'm not a MOD?

☪↬❦《➶➴~✧ Chadwick ✧~➶➴》❦↬☪ | 24 comments I mean yeah I've seen others do it so I think you can too

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments no one else is really active r I'd just ask to join someone Elses considering how boring. wait, u can leave ur cell right?

message 34: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments May Lola and I have a cell or whatever?

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments I think I just have to make it. but it's really for the experiment, but the scientist can come. or u could make it, but it would still be my cell considering I'm the experiment.

message 36: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments Right...

Lola (Kai's version) | 53 comments can u make it they won't let me I just tried, but I think since I created a thread for my group.

message 38: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments Okay.

message 40: by Creed (new)

Creed | 37 comments YW

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