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message 1: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Navya lois vohra |

N A V Y A │ L O I S │ V O H R A

Navya ] ━━ praiseworthy
Lois ] ━━ superior, most beautiful
Vohra ] ━━ Battle array

F E M A L E │ 17 │ B I S E X U A L │ A P H R O D I T E
Birthday ] ━━ 26 September ; libra
Years at camp ━━ 3

Navya has always been very shy and keeps to herself, she dislikes that the first thing people notice about her is how pretty she is, she is strong willed and kind, but sometimes can come across as cold

her father is one of the most handsome man she knows but it was the fact that he did not believe in stereotypes and respected woman that attracted Aphrodite to him. she is the perfect combination of her parents and is proud of it.

preferred weapon - poisoned darts or daggers

[ admires } flowers ▸ music ▸ baking
[ abhors } stereotypes ▸ disrespect
[ fortes } Interior design ▸ hairstyles ▸ not scared to speak her mind
[ faults } Lazy (but not too much )▸ does not like people who are are unorganized

Emma watson▸ blonde ▸brown eyes▸ 5'8"

Navya had the best life anyone could imagine growing up, a beautiful home, parents who loved her, siblings who looked up to her but she always felt like something was missing. It started as a feeling and grew as she noticed things like how she looked different from her parents and siblings, how she is the only one with a greek middle name.

It was during a family trip when it happened, they were all enjoying on the beach when she was first attacked by a monster, they were all able to escape that time and after that, until she confronted her father and he told her the truth, Soon after that she left to protect her family from more attacks and was found by a satyr who took her back to camp-half blood, after reaching the camp she was soon claimed by Aphrodite.

[ family outside of the gods }
father ▸ Ishir Vohra, 40; alive
step-mom ▸ Susanna Vohra, 38; alive
sibling ▸ Aahana and Aanya Vohra, 14; alive
[ lovers } open

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Ethan Rhys Everett

E T H A N │ R H Y S │ E V E R E T T

Ethan ] ━━ Strong, Firm , enduring, impetuous
rhys ] ━━ enthusiasm
everett ] ━━ brave or strong boar

M A L E │ 17 │ S T R A I G H T │ N I K E
Birthday ] ━━ 18 June ; Gemini
Years at camp ━━ 5

Ethan has the personality of a golden retriever. He believes that everything happens for a reason and always looks for the good in every one and everything, he has his moments of being down but he make sures that everyone always sees him at his best.

He is kind and understanding but he is also very competitive. he likes doing anything he knows he will win at, after all he is the son of nike. Ethan always strives to be the best to make his mother proud of him and can do absolutely anything to achieve that.

preferred weapon - Swords

[ admires } victory ▸ cooking ▸ dogs
[ abhors } losing ▸ sea food
[ fortes } sword play ▸ loyal ▸ games
[ faults } can't take a hint ▸ moody

Noah schnapp▸ light brown hair ▸ Hazel eyes ▸ 6'4"

Ethan had the most normal life anyone could have growing up, or as normal a life a demigod could have. so he always went looking for trouble or adventure, He knew who his mother was and knew that she would look after him the best she could, and ethan loved that about her
It was at the age of 12 when he first had the dream of his mother, she told him that he needs to go to the camp half blood as soon as he could, ethan trusted his mother and the next morning a satyr came looking for him, and as soon as ethan reached the camp he was claimed by his mother.

[ family outside of the gods }
father ▸ Levi Everett , 43 ; alive
[ lovers } open

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Ayla Naomi Carnell

A Y L A │ N A O M I │ C A R N E L L

Ayla ] ━━ moonlight
Naomi ] ━━ a pleasant person
Carnell ] ━━ castle defender

F E M A L E │ 16 │ S T R A I G H T │ H E C A T E
Birthday ] ━━ 7 February ; Aquarius
Years at camp ━━ 7

Ayla has always been an outgoing person but also likes and enjoy the silence of the night. she can be impulsive at times and refuse to listen to others.
She hates losing and loves petty pranks, She hides her pain behind a smile and sarcastic remarks. She is good at listening to others and giving advice but doesn't really like serious conversation.

preferred weapon - Arrow and bows

[ admires } silence ▸ night ▸ chocolate
[ abhors } summer ▸ cats
[ fortes } honesty ▸ good with directions ▸ pranks
[ faults } Arrogant ▸ impulsive

zendaya ▸ brown hair ▸ brown eyes ▸ 5'6"

Ayla was a happy child growing up and her father's pride until she was 6 years old when her father died protecting her, from what? she doesn't know because she was too young to remember.
After becoming an orphan at the age of 6 ayla went from foster care to foster care which left her with abandonment issues, until her last foster family who used to abuse her, tired of all this ayla decided to leave one night, at the age of 9 when a satyr found her and took her to camp half blood.
After reaching the camp, Ayla was claimed by hecate when crossed spectral torches appeared over her head during dinner.

[ family outside of the gods }
father ▸ Evan Carnell, 38 ; dead
[ lovers } open

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Maeve Aithne O'hara

M A E V E │ A I T H N E │ O' H A R A

Maeve ] ━━ Intoxicating, she who rules
Aithne ] ━━ fire
O'hara ] ━━ Irish origin

F E M A L E │ 17 │ P A N S E X U A L │ H E S T I A
Birthday ] ━━ 11 may ; Taurus
Years at camp ━━ 8

Maeve has always been the kind type,the type of person who will help you even if it meant endangering themselves, but maeve is also very protective of her family and friends, if you hurt her loved ones be ready to suffer.

Maeve loves making friends and can never say no to someone. She wears her heart on her sleeves and lives by it. She believes that you should do whatever the hell you want, because life is to short for those what-ifs.

preferred weapon - None

[ admires } cake ▸ winter ▸ nature
[ abhors } cockroaches ▸ bullies
[ fortes } helps with injureds ▸ selflessness ▸ kind
[ faults } can't say no to anyone▸ too kind

Madelaine Petsch ▸ red hair ▸ brown eyes ▸ 5'7"

Her father was one of the kindest person she knew growing up, the kind who would always make time for his family no matter how busy he was, maybe that was what attracted her mother to him, his kindness.

Her mother, the goddess of the hearth admired Matthews kindness, how even though he was an orphan and saw worst of the humanity was still kind, hestia noticed how he felt lonely and knew that he is the kind of the person you would trust to look after your children, so one night after the fire died out at Matthews home hestia created two kids out of the ashes left from the fire

She was 8 when her twin brother and her found out that her father had cancer, her father tried getting every treatment there was for cancer because he wanted to live for his kids but in the end everything failed
A years after that,when she was 9 her father passed away. Her brother and her lived with their fathers friend for a while until their mother visited them in their dream and asked them to find camp half blood.
They began looking and soon a satyr found them and took them to camp half blood where they were claimed by their mother.

[ family outside of the gods }
father ▸ Matthew O'hara, 40 ; dead
twin-sibling ▸ Aiden, 17 ; alive
[ lovers } open

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Aiden liam o'hara


A I D E N │ L I A M │ O' H A R A

Aiden ] ━━ little fire
liam ] ━━ desire, guardian, protector
O'hara ] ━━ Irish origin

M A L E │ 17 │ B I S E X U A L │ H E S T I A
Birthday ] ━━ 11 may ; Taurus
Years at camp ━━ 8

He has always been super protective of the people he loves and has the same belief about life as his sister. He can be overprotective at times and likes to keep his stuff organized.
he doesn't like fighting but knows enough to defend himself or his sister. he likes to cook whenever he can and likes to get his sisters opinion on every new dish he tries, he enjoys going out in rain and reading beside the fireplace.

preferred weapon - long daggers

[ admires } food ▸ rain ▸ reading
[ abhors } cockroaches ▸ bullies
[ fortes } protects his loved ones ▸ easy to get along with ▸ loyal
[ faults } overprotective ▸ bad at using swords

Chris wood (younger)▸ Brown hair with red streaks ▸ Brown eyes ▸ 6'3"

His father was one of the greatest man he knew and aspired to be like him once he grew up, his twin sister and him were born out of the ashes of the died out fire when their mother noticed how lonely their father felt.
after the death of his father aiden and his twin sister maeve lived with their fathers friend for a while until their mother told them through a dream that they needed to go camp half blood

[ family outside of the gods }
father ▸ Matthew O'hara, 40 ; dead
twin-sibling ▸ Maeve, 17; alive
[ lovers } open

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