Experiment facility discussion

|Request| > RP Request

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message 1: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) | 12 comments Mod
Request an RP. Thought I could help make topics

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
RP anyone?

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
RP anyone?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Sure

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
okay who is your character?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments I got to Death and Sans

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Okay :)
you can choose who because I have two character as well one scientist and one experiment

message 8: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ditz (Semi hiatus) | 6 comments Mod
Anyone want to rp?

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments Deborah wrote: "Anyone want to rp?"

sure if you're still up for it!

message 10: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Ditz (Semi hiatus) | 6 comments Mod
It’s pretty late here if your willing to wait until morning I would love to but am about to head to bed right now

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Rp anyone!?

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments hey! i'm free to rp if anyone wants to!

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Me too.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Oh do y'all wanna do a independent one or all of us in a RP?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments I'm fine with all of us.

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
OKay are you okay with that Meenal?

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments Yup! If it's not too late

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
No your good

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments Ok, where are we doing it?

꧁•⊹٭Paranormal;٭⊹•꧂ ꧁•⊹٭Vision٭⊹•꧂ | 78 comments Mod
Hmm first which characters?
I have a 1 scientist and 1 experiment!

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Idc I got two characters

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments I only have one experiment so idc

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments I have Two experiments.)

Meenal (#1 willow stan)  (meenalalmthu) | 9 comments Does anyone wanna rp??

message 27: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) | 12 comments Mod
I can!

message 28: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Anyone wanna rp? I've got Adara, a storm spirit, currently

message 29: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments I'm still here if anyone else is!

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments i am

message 31: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments You on still? Sorry, I didn't see your comment

message 32: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Helloo? Anyone on?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments meeeeee)

message 34: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments I've got Adara, a storm spirit, we can rp the long way if you want, one post a day, or whenever we're on lol

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Okay I've got Sans. Idc as long as we respond ig (I have a bad habit of not responding.)

message 36: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Lol, that's all good, I'll just boop ya. Where should we start? I'm new to this rp, so I don't exactly know :/

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Uh We have the entrance and the hallway right now the creator is gone.

message 38: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Dang, um, entrance, I guess?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Alright. You wanna post first or me?

message 40: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Could you?

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments Yeah.

message 42: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 96 comments Anyone wanna rp?

message 43: by Katsuki (new)

Katsuki IM BACKKKKK | 4 comments Anyone active wanna RP

Husker~Semi Hiatus~ | 150 comments I can

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