Addicted to YA discussion

Newbies > Friends???

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message 1: by Evie (new)

Evie | 3 comments Hi, i've been on gr for a few months but i've started being more active and would really love some friends!?

message 2: by Harshada (new)

Harshada (harshada24) | 57 comments Hello Evie. I'm not that active on gr as such but I keep checking my dms of gr so let me know if you wanna be friends

✨ Asha (semi-hiatus bc school sucks) (ashaslays) | 18 comments Hey! I'm Paige, and I just joined gr a couple of days ago. I'll add anyone who asks or adds me. I'm going through a romantasy phase right now, but I love basically all types of fiction.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)


message 5: by Max (new)

Max Isreal | 2 comments Well I'm going to ADD all you readers. Don't forget to check out my novel Sugar Honey Ice Tea and leave a review

message 6: by Tracy🎈 (new)

Tracy🎈 | 4 comments I would really love some friends because I have none

message 7: by ☆ Alice ☆ (new)

☆ Alice ☆ | 1 comments I would love to be friends with anyone :)

Miss✧Pickypants 〳 ° ▾ ° 〵 ᓚᘏᗢ | 12 comments Add me! Always looking for book friends <3

message 9: by Floella (new)

Floella (your_floella) | 5 comments Hello! Coming back to GR after a while and having a fresh start! Therefore, in need of new friends who like; romantasy, contemporary romance and witchtasy.

message 10: by ~Betty (new)

~Betty June~ | 36 comments Floella wrote: "Hello! Coming back to GR after a while and having a fresh start! Therefore, in need of new friends who like; romantasy, contemporary romance and witchtasy."

I love all those genres!!!! Feel free to add me!!

message 11: by Gustavo (new)

Gustavo | 10 comments Hey Guys, if you're into YA fantasy please add a friend of mine on IG valentinaalamonaca_author.

message 12: by Lee (new)

Lee Brassard | 1 comments Hi all! I have been on GR for a while but had no clue there were groups! Sadly all my friends are losers that don't read so I'm looking for some books friends here. I love just about anything fantasy but my top favorite author would probably be Annette Marie and I have a very special place in my heart for Harry Potter

message 13: by alex (new)

alex (alexandramiraples) | 52 comments feel free to add me, always down to make new book besties! 💖

message 15: by Kierstin (new)

Kierstin | 11 comments hi everyone I'm Kier and I love to read books. I have read a good girls guide to murder this week and I'm looking for another series just like it. Anyone have one?

message 16: by Reese (new)

Reese | 1 comments Hi guys! I’m Reese and I just got into reading in June so I’m looking for some book friends!

message 17: by Carmen (new)

Carmen | 3 comments I am active here so anyone can add me <3

message 18: by Olivia (new)

Olivia Stewart | 2 comments Feel free to add me!!

message 19: by ~Betty (new)

~Betty June~ | 36 comments Anybody can add me!! I love connecting with fellow readers!!

message 20: by Maureen (new)

Maureen  Vercruysse | 77 comments I’m GR endlessly. I read at least a book a day. Right now I’m on pace to have read 365 + 46 this year. I read YA but also romantasy, modern, urban fantasy, sci fi, and super dark romance. If any of this interests you add me!

message 21: by LoveBooks (new)

LoveBooks  | 7 comments feel free to add me!🥰

message 22: by Stella? (new)

Stella? | 7 comments Hi! My name is Stella, I'd love friends so feel free to add me! I love tatertots, space and, I can't remember anything else. :)

message 23: by Vi (new)

Vi | 5 comments Anyone can add me! :)

message 24: by ♡Irene♡ (new)

♡Irene♡ | 28 comments <3

message 25: by Peace (new)

Peace Groft | 13 comments ♡Irene♡ wrote: "<3"

hey yall how is everyone out there? does anyone or anyboday still come on this group on GR?

message 26: by Tahlia (new)

Tahlia C | 4 comments Hi I’m pretty new still trying to figure all this stuff out. Anyway feel free to friend me, I read a bit of everything but most fiction. I’d love some recommendations, anyway thanks have a great day!

message 27: by camila ꕥ (new)

camila ꕥ | 58 comments Hi, I’m camila, one year away from not being a minor anymore, I love cats and coffee and READING of course; I especially adore fantasy, romance, dystopian, and mystery!!! I’d love it if u added me 💛

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